
2017-04-17 00:33

部分是因为这种干预是相对较新的,新兴的证据还不清楚。友谊et al。(2002)发现,称为认知技能治疗后利率下降了14%而匹配组没有收到培训——这是测量在两年之后释放。酒杯、Falshaw,纽金特,友谊(2003),与此同时,在审查的证据只有两年后在截至1998年的两年时间,发现完全不同的结果。使用同样的方法作为友谊et al。(2002),这项研究发现那些参与之间没有显著差异的认知罪犯项目和一个匹配的对照组。最近的研究倾向于后来证实了这些发现。威尔金森(2005)研究推理的有效性进行干预和康复(R&R)在一个资源充足的设施。当比较定罪率时,收到了R&R训练的那组人称为利率的67%相比匹配组接近全国平均水平为56%。虽然这些结果与预期相反,这也是发现预期的态度变化未见的那些完成了R&R干预,事实上参与者的态度恶化。
Partly because this intervention is relatively new, the evidence emerging is not yet clear. Friendship et al. (2002) found that reconvictions rates dropped 14% after the cognitive skills treatment compared to a matched group that did not receive the training - this was measured over the two years following release. Cann, Falshaw, Nugent, Friendship (2003), meanwhile, in reviewing evidence from only two years later in a two-year period ending in 1998, found quite different results. Using much the same methods as Friendship et al. (2002), this study found no significant difference between those who had taken part in the cognitive offender programmes and a matched control group.Very recent research has tended to confirm these later findings. Wilkinson (2005) carried out research into the effectiveness of a Reasoning and Rehabilitation (R&R) intervention in a well-resourced facility. When comparing conviction rates, the group that had received the R&R training had reconviction rates of 67% compared to the matched group who were closer to the national averages at 56%. While these results were contrary to expectations, it was also found that the expected attitude change was not seen in those who had completed the R&R intervention, in fact the attitudes of the participants worsened.