
2017-06-16 19:43

组织文化会以一种不正常的方式表现出来。例如,无益的和不正常的区分“我们”和“他们”,这可能是不朽的,由高级管理人员和其他层次的方式组织勾结。的一个部门,结果在一个缺乏适当的沟通和一种“责备”的文化。解决这些问题是困难的工作,工作不能适当处理,经理或内部顾问因为他们文化的一部分;该层次结构的一部分,并受该组织的权力结构。然而,这是不是需要以组织应力总范围。还有一种压力管理战略的必要性,即通过各种方法,将整个组织提供给组织的需要: 前四个动作和最后一个动作一样重要。拥有知识、技能的内部员工可以发展所有这些能力,并确保提供的东西和其他任何地方一样好。通过外部援助来咨询这一进程可能有好处,但基本上是该领域的专家参与进来,真正的观点是这种战略应被视为一揽子计划。在不解决文化问题的情况下,本组织将无法在上述1 - 4确定的领域内实现预期的有效活动。同样,可以确保该组织拥有一种美妙的文化,但如果没有其他活动,该组织的成员将无法得到服务。
There are many ways in which organizational culture will manifest itself in a dysfunctional way. For example, the unhelpful and dysfunctional division between 'us' and 'them', which may be perpetuated, by both senior managers and those at other levels of an organization in a collusive manner. A division, which results in a lack of proper communication and a sort of 'blaming' culture.Addressing these matters is difficult work, work that cannot be adequately dealt with by managers or internal consultants because they are part of the culture; part of the hierarchy, and subject to the authority structure of the organization.However, this is not the total extent of the needs regarding organizational stress. There is also a need for a Stress Management Strategy that through various approaches will, in its entirety, provide for the needs of the organization.Such a strategy would address the following sort of issues:
The first four actions are as essential as the last. Internal staff that has the knowledge, skills can develop all these and ability to ensure that what is provided is as good as anywhere else. There may be benefit from employing outside assistance to consult to the process but basically the experts in the field are in the organization.The real point is that this sort of strategy should be seen as a total package. Without addressing the issue of culture the organization will not achieve the desired effective activities in the areas identified at 1 - 4 above. Equally, it could be ensured that the organization had a wonderful culture but without the other activities there would be no service available to members of the organization.