
2017-09-14 14:05

For last place in first years of life is very important to promote the social and emotional development, also is very important consider that the children the children encompass both intra and interpersonal processes. Also, the children experience, perceive and express different emotion. Furthermore, during the first stage is when the children want learn to recognize others emotion transmitted for other people in the actually the children are very curios. Also, for this reason is very important take into account that is very important work in this process. There is an organization that takes into account the development in the initial stage, to promote social and emotional development in each child, called "Social & Emotional development ", this organization has an Internet platform called "Virtual Lab School" where it gives messages and explains through appropriate lessons of How to achieve the development of children in meaningful interactions to promote learning and growth in the socio-emotional skills of children and their environment.Is necessary consider that in the first stage of years is the more important for that the children develop many skills and obtain for their body more capacity for relationship with other children. Always take into account these three-important aspects for developed during initial stage. So, if develop these aspects during initial stage will be possible give a good step to next stage.