
2018-04-29 22:07

本质上,扎根理论的目的是建立中距离理论。强调建立有效和复杂的理论,以数据为基础,以不同的普遍性为基础,描述其最重要的目的(Mello, J和Flint, D. J.)。,2009)。扎根理论是基于“社会科学理论可以建立在社会背景下的数据系统的基础之上”的观点。理论来自于对在该领域获得的数据的非常深入和沉思的分析,而不是在研究开始之前就已经形成的原始假设。扎根理论研究人员的目的是发展能够解释行为的理论,在实践中适用,并提供可以验证的假设。接地理论的两个特点,有助于使其有别于其他定性方法(1),它不局限于对现象的描述,而是寻求发展理论概念,(2)它不局限于某一特定的分析单位,时间或地点。这使得研究人员可以开发一种扎根理论,并在原始研究之外的领域进行应用和测试。由Strauss和Corbin (1998, p.15)所定义的“理论”的基础理论视角,是“通过关系的陈述而形成的一套完善的概念,它们共同构成一个完整的框架,可以用来解释或预测现象。”理论是由概念范畴及其性质构成的。
Essentially, the objective in grounded theory is to build mid range theory. The emphasis on building effective and complex theory, grounded in data, at various levels of generality, characterizes its most important purpose (Mello, J and Flint, D. J., 2009). Grounded theory is predicated on the idea that "social science theory can be built from data systematically obtained in a social setting". Theory emerges from very deep and contemplative analysis of data obtained in the field rather than from a prioi assumptions developed before the research begins.Grounded theory researchers aim to develop theories that enable explanation of behavior, are applicable in practice, and provide hypotheses that can be verified. Two features of grounded theory that help set it apart from other qualitative methods are (1) it is not limited to description of the phenomenon, but seeks to develop theoretical concepts, and (2) it is not bound to a particular unit of analysis, time, or place. This allows researchers to develop a grounded theory and apply and test it in areas outside the original study.The grounded theory perspective of what constitutes a "theory" is defined by Strauss and Corbin (1998, p.15) as a "set of well developed concepts related through statements of relationship, which together constitute an integrated framework that can be used to explain or predict phenomena." Theory is constructed from conceptual categories and their properties.