
2018-05-25 15:17

包容是适合所有学生,不论他们的背景或残疾与身体健全的人被给予一个机会均等的社会”包容是一个啮合的过程一般和特殊教育改革计划和策略来实现以达到一个统一的公共教育系统包含所有儿童和青少年活跃,充分参与学校社区的成员,这一观点的多样性,为每个学生提供了高质量的教育,确保了有意义的有效教学,并为每个学生提供了必要的支持。包括有学习困难的学生,需要支持他们的服务,使他们能够成功地在学校中被包括。支持的努力包括在学校形成包容性政策,为每个人提供权利,并获得平等的机会(阿姆斯特朗,阿姆斯特朗,巴顿,2000);训练有素的教师应对学习困难的学生;考虑到个人的需求并试着去满足他们。有一个额外的支持小组,并提供适当的支持框架,包括定期的特殊教育评估,以评估学生的进展,并根据需要调整他们的教育需求和他们所获得的额外支持。学校的管理者在让学生学习困难的过程中扮演着重要的角色(Homas, Walker, Webb, 1998)。与此相一致的是,每一所学校都应该包括鼓励家长参与孩子学习过程的政策,因为这是确保成功的包容和成功地向学生学习的关键因素。
Inclusion is the right for all students regardless of their background or disability and to be given an equal opportunity with non-disabled people in the society " inclusion is a process of meshing general and special education reform initiative and strategies to achieve in order to achieve a unified system of public education that incorporates all children and youth as active, fully participating members of the school community, that views diversity as the and that achieve a high quality education for each student by assuring meaningful effective teaching, and necessary support for each student" .Including students with learning difficulties requires supporting them with the services they need to enable them to be included successfully in school. The supporting efforts included forming inclusive policy in schools to give the right for each individual to be included and have equal opportunities (Armstrong, Armstrong, Barton, 2000); trained teachers in dealing with student with learning difficulties; taking into consideration the individuals' needs and try to meet them . having an additional support team in place with an adequate supportive framework, including regular special education assessments in order to assess the progress of the student and to adjust, as necessary, their educational need and the additional support they receive. Managers in schools play a significant role as well in making the school more positive experience for pupils with learning difficulties (Homas, Walker, Webb, 1998). In a line with that, each school should include encouraging policy for involving parents in the learning process for their children as this a crucial factor to ensure successful inclusion and then successful leaning to the students.