
2018-08-14 19:16

教育又回到了传统的做法。旨在维持传统农业社会的社会和经济措施,包括教育政策。大多数农村社区没有学校,继续以传统方式在家中和在清真寺中教育子女。在1929年的这段时间里,所有的公立学校都短暂停课;然而,学校在1929年末重新开放,纳迪尔·沙阿在捕获并处决卡拉卡尼后成为国王。虽然他曾经担任过教育部长,但纳迪尔·沙阿(Nadir Shah)领导下的教育并不是中心优先事项。然而,1931年,妇女被允许在喀布尔医院的自慰中心参加健康课程,这是一个进步。纳迪尔·沙阿(Nadir Shah)的确支持在1931年建立喀布尔大学(Kabul University),尽管存在着反现代的保守主义抵抗。此外,1932年,医学院成立。纳迪尔·沙阿(Nadir Shah)在1933年的高中毕业典礼上被暗杀。他19岁的儿子查希尔王子(Prince Zahir)立即被加冕为国王,但多年来,年长男性亲属的代理统治一直是他的领导风格。从1933年到1973年,查希尔•沙阿(Zahir Shah)在位40年,期间相对没有内乱。一些有利的趋势在20世纪40年代末开始出现。在他统治的大部分时间里,特别是在城市地区,教育、经济和公民社会都取得了进步,尽管保守的伊斯兰反现代因素仍然很强大,尽管共产主义的影响成为了主要的破坏性因素。1964年,在君主立宪制下制定了一部宪法,允许更多的公民参与。
Education returned to traditional practices. Social and economic measures, including education policy, aimed at sustaining a traditional agricultural society. The majority of rural communities had no schools and continued the education of their children, in the traditional way, at home and in the mosques.All government schools were closed briefly during this period in 1929; however, schools were re-opened in late 1929 when Nadir Shah became king after capturing and executing Kalakani. Although he at one time had been Minister of Education, education under Nadir Shah was not a central priority. However, one progressive step was taken in 1931 when women were allowed to take health classes at the Masturat Hospital in Kabul. Nadir Shah did support the establishment of Kabul University in 1931 despite the persistence of the anti-modern conservative resistance. In addition, in 1932, the faculty of medicine was founded.Nadir Shah was assassinated at a high school graduation ceremony in 1933 . His nineteen year-old son, Prince Zahir, was immediately crowned king, but for many years a proxy rule by older male relatives characterized his leadership. Zahir Shah was king for four decades, from 1933 to 1973, during a period that was relatively free of civil unrest. Some favorable trends started to emerge in the late 1940s. Advances were made in education, the economy, and civil society especially in urban areas during much of his reign, although the conservative Islamic anti-modern element remained strong even as the Communist influence became a dominant disruptive factor. In 1964, a Constitution was created enabling greater citizen participation under a Constitutional monarchy.