
2018-11-07 13:00

我认为,该模块的一个关键方面是其发展人际工作能力和团队合作能力。问题的解决、努力的协调和通过授权实现个人技能的最大化都是高度可转移的技能,这增加了正规课程的发展优势。戴维斯指出,“当有传统的需求分析能力,批判性思维的一个独立工作…”,也有一个不断增长的需求为“…的可转用技能....沟通,团队合作,和解决问题。这就需要“精心的课程规划、支持机制、教学方法和评估策略……”(8)如上所述,在这一动态中,有一系列的因素形成了个人的态度和有效性,就他们认为可以接受或有效的方法而言。其中许多都是文化形成的,可以在Hofstede 's Cultural Dimensions Index这样的框架内解释。在Hofestede项目中,每种文化都有各自的容忍度和行为准则,这些准则决定了群体行为,以及组织内部的战略思维。他将这些标准定义为不确定性规避、权力距离、长期/短期取向、性别,即男性化和女性化,以及个人主义/集体主义。[参考译文]然而,也许比这更能说明问题的是,这只是三方计划中的一个组成部分,三方计划包括人类的普遍特征、“习得的”行为和价值观以及个人的个性特征。(10)我认为认识到个人的长处和短处不仅是认识到个人的贡献,而且是有效地建立团队的关键因素。我明白了组建一个团队本身就是一种技能。简单地把一群随机的人聚在一起不是团队建设。
I consider that one of the key aspects of the module was its capacity to develop interpersonal working and the ability to work within a group dynamic. The resolution of issues, coordination of effort, and maximisation of individual skills through delegation are all highly transferable skills, which added to the developmental strengths of the formal curriculum. As Davis observes, ‘Whilst there is demand for the traditional ability to analyse, think critically an work independently…’, there is also a growing demand for ‘…transferable skills….communication, team working,…and problem solving.’ This requires ‘careful curriculum planning, support mechanisms, teaching methodologies and assessment strategies…’ (8). As discussed above, there are a range of factors which form the individual’s attitudes and effectiveness within this dynamic, in terms of what they deem acceptable or effective approaches. Many of these are culturally formed, and may be interpreted within frameworks such Hofstede’s Cultural Dimensions Index. Within this, Hofestede projects, each culture has tolerances and behavioural norms which dictate group behaviour, as well as strategic thinking within organisations. He defines these criteria as uncertainty avoidance, power distance, long/short term orientation, gender, i.e. masculinity and femininity, and individualism/collectivism. (9). Perhaps more revealing than this scheme of wide cultural sub-groups, however, is the related idea that these are just one component in tripartite scheme which includes universal human traits, ‘learned’ behaviour and values, and individual personality traits. (10) I consider that the recognition of individual strengths and weaknesses is a key factor, not only in the recognition of individual contributions, but in effective team building. I have definitely learned that assembling a team is a skill in itself. Simply pushing together a random group of individuals is not team-building.