
2019-12-17 20:26

如前所述,吸烟被认为是慢性阻塞性肺病最常见的病因。分析发现,大约50%的COPD患者是吸烟者(Wu和Sin, 2011;世卫组织,2016年)。然而,英国公共卫生部门最新的烟草报告显示,自2011年以来吸烟者人数有所减少(PHE, 2017)。此外,研究表明,自我管理干预可以提高生活质量,减少住院人数,改善症状(Kaptein等,2014;罗素等人,2018)。因此,成功控制慢性阻塞性肺病可能包括改变多种生活方式,如戒烟、开始锻炼以及坚持服药,尽管这在某些情况下很难做到。全球慢性阻塞性肺病行动战略(GOLD, 2013年)鼓励及早发现和及时诊断,这应可增加戒烟计划的登记人数。Tonnesen(2012)认为这是提高生存率、降低死亡率、减轻COPD影响的最佳方法。然而,Eklund等人(2012)认为,尽管个体意识到吸烟的风险,但慢性阻塞性肺病患者由于终生习惯和缺乏内在动力而难以戒烟。因此,在亲人和护理人员的正确建议和支持下,爱丽丝更有可能戒掉长期养成的习惯,最终提高生活质量。
As previously evaluated, smoking is recognised as the most common cause of COPD. Analytically, approximately 50% of COPD patients are smokers (Wu and Sin, 2011; WHO, 2016). However, Public Health England’s latest tobacco report reveals a reduction in smokers since 2011 (PHE, 2017). Furthermore, research suggests self-management interventions can improve quality of life, reduce hospital admissions, and improve symptoms (Kaptein et al, 2014; Russell et al, 2018). Therefore, successfully managing COPD may include making multiple lifestyle changes such as smoking cessation and starting an exercise regime as well as medication adherence, although this may be hard to achieve in some.The strategy of the Global Initiative for COPD (GOLD, 2013) encourages early detection and prompt diagnosis which should increase enrolment in smoking cessation programmes. According to Tonnesen (2012) this is the best way to increase survival, decrease mortality and diminish the effects of COPD. However, Eklund et al (2012) argues, although individuals are aware of the risks, those with COPD find it hard to quit smoking due to lifelong habits and lacking internal motivation. Therefore, with the correct advice and support from relatives and care providers Alice has a higher chance of quitting her long-term habit, ultimately increasing her chances of an improved quality of life.