澳洲作业代写 社会局外人

2020-03-26 02:10

对凯尼恩的描述表明,在某种程度上,他是一个社会局外人。当地人说“他生活在自己的世界里”证实了这一点。肯扬瘦长的外表使他无法参加运动队,因此他只有一个朋友。这不仅强化了这样一种认识,即克拉特的完美生活是一个门面,但他的局外人地位堪比杀手,这一联系是由肯扬和佩里对女性完全缺乏兴趣所造成的。凯尼恩发现射杀兔子“令人陶醉”的知识让读者感到不安,并洞察了读者的恐惧。[9]后来对迪克杀死一条狗的描述与这两个人的行为一致,可能表明对动物生命的漠视和享受可能是日后生活中更多邪恶行为的起点。杂乱的家是通过入侵间谍和随后的入侵迪克和佩里侵犯。家庭宅基地是美国生活的一个结构性体现,哈尔图恩描述了“在我们自己的门上的神秘是如何被西格蒙德·弗洛伊德(Sigmund Freud)认为是一种不可思议的、令人不安的外星性质的现象变得更加可怕的”。[10]这是进一步入侵家里有调查警察和记者。在可怕的谋杀案发生后,一个曾经是凌乱者的家的空间变得陌生和不安。赫伯特在设计他的房子时所扮演的角色强化了这样一种观念:房子代表了他所居住的家庭,除此之外,“漂亮的白宫”还反映了其居民的吸引力,以及他们的种族地位。[11]卡波特一再破坏宅基地的神圣性,以便向美国社会暴露结构的脆弱性。
澳洲作业代写 社会局外人
In the description of Garden City the narrator tells us that ‘It seem just another fair-sized town in the middle…of the continental United States.’ and that locals say ‘you won’t find friendlier people…there’s no better place to raise kids than right here.’.[18] The ironic inclusion of ‘Good neighbours, people who care about each other, that’s what counts…’ implies that there is a safety felt because of the closeness of the community.[19] There is a suggestion also that the farming industry is not what it used to be in Kansas, a local Mrs Ashida informs Mr Clutter that her husband thinks they could make more money elsewhere, this suggests to the reader farming is either not as profitable or fruitful as other areas in the country. The idyllic Kansas is outdated in its farming practices and thus potentially in its lifestyle. The presentation of Garden City related to us through snippets of locals’ descriptions, this contrasts greatly with the narrators description of Holcomb which is heavy laden with allusions to the Gothic. The description of Holcomb as ‘a lonesome area’ which even ‘Kansans call ‘out there’’ suggests an emptiness and isolation typical to Gothic descriptions of landscapes.[20] The narrator is also keen to align this area with the American Frontier, referring to the atmosphere as ‘rather more Fare West than Middle West.’.[21] The use of the Gothic in the beginning of the book reminds readers of the violent history of the beginning of America, immediately breaking the façade of the quintessential American state. It is evident that the Gothic reality of the area is highlighted more accurately through the narrator as, unlike the locals of Garden Green, his presentation is unclouded by the need to present Kansas in a favourable light.