Adelaide教育学作业代写 毕业担忧

2020-09-04 08:39

在学生为毕业后的就业做好准备方面也存在类似的担忧,尤其是残疾学生。根据国家学习障碍中心(2017)的数据,有学习障碍的成年人失业的可能性是没有残疾的同龄人的两倍。有学习障碍的员工中,有19%的人表示他们的雇主没有被告知他们的残疾。有学习障碍的学生上四年制大学的比率是一般人口总数的一半;学校辅导员日益增加的负担加剧了大学和职业准备的问题。辅导员的任务是帮助学生获得有关大学或职业抱负的知识。然而,有证据表明,学校辅导员经常被分配次要任务,包括管理角色和心理健康促进者(Christian, Lawrence, & Dampman, 2017)。Christian et al.(2017)也指出,全国学生与学校辅导员的比例平均为491:1。作为辅导员解决不同的社会性需求的学生,准备专上学生的工作计划正变得越来越难以实现有效没有评估和工具提供有效的咨询服务学生,家长,辅导员,教师、高等教育机构和雇主都是直接的利益相关者在中学后准备解决这个差距。在过渡过程中,咨询师和特殊教育教师采用了大量的干预措施和评估。要帮助有残疾的学生成功地过渡到成年生活,就必须仔细研究到底什么是有效的。
Adelaide教育学作业代写 毕业担忧
  There are similar concerns in regard to students’ preparedness for post-secondary employment, especially for students with disabilities. According to the National Center for Learning Disabilities (2017), adults with learning disabilities are twice as likely to be unemployed compared to non-disabled peers. Nineteen percent of employees with learning disabilities reported that their employers were not informed of the employees’ disability . The rate at which students with learning disabilities attend four-year colleges is half the total amount of the general population; those that do are less likely to complete a degree program The growing burden of school guidance counselors is compounding the issue of college and career readiness. Guidance counselors are designated the task of helping students gain knowledge surrounding college or career aspirations. Evidence has shown, however, that school counselors are frequently assigned secondary tasks including administrative roles and mental health facilitators (Christian, Lawrence, & Dampman, 2017). Christian et al. (2017) also point out that the national average for student to school counselor ratios is 491:1. As guidance counselors address varying social-emotional needs of students, the job of preparing students for post-secondary plans is becoming more difficult to accomplish effectively without having assessments and tools available to provide effective counseling services Students, parents, counselors, teachers, post-secondary institutions, and employers are all direct stakeholders in addressing this gap in post-secondary preparations. There are a multitude of interventions and assessments that are employed by counselors and special education teachers to aide in the transition process. A closer look into what actually works is necessary to help students with disabilities successfully transition to adult life.
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