
2017-05-27 00:38

Learning styles are needed to identify how the people can absorb and remember things. Likewise learning theories are help to identify how people learn through changes in behaviour, environment and goals. The behaviourist approach measures learning in term of relative permanent changes in behaviour. This is like the environmental control learning. The work of Pavlov (on dogs) and Skinner (on rats) suggested that learning is the formation of new connection between stimulus and response on the basis of experience or behaviour is positively or negatively reinforced.Therefore in an organization trainer should always think about their trainees' behaviour, when making the particular training programme. Imagine job role for customer care, if the trainee is not like to be social or talk with others anymore, he/she is silence character. In this situation to avoid this or change the behaviour of trainee, trainer has to make a training programme relate to the behaviour. Otherwise training cost and time will be wasted. To minimum that trainer can give the feedback to the trainee, and increase the morale. Every person has a goal; human behaviour is towards a goal. Many be some person does not have education background ,but that does not mean that he/she does not have any information to reach to him/her goals using their experience. Therefore having aim or goal will lead to gather the data or information, hence without any kind of information is hard to reaching to the goals. Likewise the Cognitive Approach is defining as a relatively permanent change in cognition occurring as a result of experience.