
2017-04-22 01:24

在阿拉木图宣言的第二个关键点是严格定义的初级卫生保健,尤其是在文章v-ix宣言的制定。初级卫生保健的作用是最初的声明根据载于上述第一条,是整体目标的关联性,它是通过初级卫生保健,声明承认所载文章我目标的实现的可能性:“政府的主要社会目标,国际组织在未来的几十年里,全世界的社区应该由全世界人民的素养由2000年的健康水平,这将允许他们引领社会和经济生产生活。初级卫生保健是实现这一目标作为发展的一部分,在社会正义精神的关键。”[ 8 ]在健康的定义载于第我仍然是一个目标是由各国政府达到了2000,在实现这一目标的关键是政府的义务初级卫生保健。因此,社会经济因素是必要的保健成果在第我规定重新框定在第V根据社会和经济的重点放在初级卫生保健。
The second key point of the Alma Ata declaration is its rigorous definition of primary health care, particularly as formulated in Articles V-IX of the declaration. The role of primary health care is initially developed in the declaration according to its relevance to the overall objectives set out in the aforementioned Article I. That is, it is through primary health care that the declaration recognizes the very possibility of the realization of the goals set out in Article I: “A main social target of governments, international organizations and the whole world community in the coming decades should be the attainment by all peoples of the world by the year 2000 of a level of health that will permit them to lead a socially and economically productive life. Primary health care is the key to attaining this target as part of development in the spirit of social justice.”[8] Insofar as the definition of health set out in Article I remains a goal to be achieved by all governments by 2000, the critical step in the achievement of this goal is that of the governmental obligation to primary health care. Thus, the social and economic factors which are necessary to the achievement of heatlh care as stipulated in Article I are re-framed in Article V according to social and economic emphasis placed on primary health care.