
2017-06-19 17:45

Education in school is more relatively formal comparing to that in family or in peer-group contexts because students' academic performances are always tested and evaluated (Ornstein & Levine, 2006). So, what are the key functions of school? While the official and precise purpose of school is to teach students intellectual and technical skills, it also teaches learners cultural values and attitudes that prepare them for their roles as an accepted citizen in the society. For example, students at school are expected to do the accepted things, and they have to obey the rules and regulations. School is the primary agent for weaning children from home and introducing them to the larger society, and it is also the student's introduction to impersonal, bureaucratic organization (Calhoun, Light & Keller, 1994). These experiences are obtained from what is called the hidden curriculum -- a term used to refer to what, other than academic content, students learn from what they do or are expected to do in school or the unwritten social rules and expectations of behavior that we all seem to know, but were never taught (Bieber, 1994). For many reasons, it is essential that learners be aware of and assist themselves in learning the hidden curriculum. First, the lack of understanding in hidden curriculum will result in barriers to social acceptability when children and youth make errors in this area. In addition, the lack of awareness of the hidden curriculum can also be a large contributor to increasing uncertainty and stress levels, which can affect attention and availability to learning. Finally, self-esteem and independence can be greatly reduced, given the number of opportunities for error that exist when a person does not understand the hidden curriculum.