
2018-09-11 14:52

自修订《森务守则》以来,已有几项改善措施。SENCO、班主任和理事机构以及其他工作人员在为残疾人提供全纳教育方面负有迫切责任。SENCO对森氏行为准则表示欢迎,但他们仍然担心在执行该准则时面临的一些困难。他们面临的困难是缺乏资源、时间限制和地位低下。然而,通过为残疾学生设定新的目标,实践守则在为他们提供服务方面变得更加有效。近年来,教学援助一直与教师合作,为儿童提供额外的支持。参议员在课堂上得到额外的支持,有助于确保所有人的主流教育,而不是将他们隔离成单独的“特殊学校”。包容顾问约翰·奥布莱恩(John O'Brien)说,成年人在帮助孩子建立负责任的人际关系方面发挥着重要作用,尤其是当这些关系跨越种族、性别和残疾等社会裂痕时。(inclusion.uwe.ac发展。包容意味着结束隔离,包容是一个不断发展的过程,它涉及打破障碍,帮助学习增长。
Since the revision of the SEN code of practice there have been several changes for the better. SENCO, head teacher and governing body with other members of staff have an imperative responsibility in the role of providing an inclusive education for those with disabilities. SENCO welcomed the SEN code of practice but they were still concerned with some of the difficulties' they were facing in implementing the code. The difficulties they were facing were the lack of resources, time constraints and low status. However the codes of practice have become more effective in their provision for pupils with disabilities by setting them new targets.In recent years teaching assistance has been working alongside teachers to give extra support for children with SEN. Having the extra support in classrooms helps secure mainstream education for all instead of segregation into separate ‘special schools'. John O'Brien an inclusion consultant say's that adults have an important role in helping children to build responsible relationships with each other, especially when those relationships are across a social fracture line like race, gender and disabilities. Developing ( 2009) inclusion means ending segregation, inclusion is a developing process and is concerned with breaking barriers to help learning increase.