
2019-12-23 17:44

独特的创新。实际的应用程序。超前思维。这三个短语概括了特斯拉公司积极进取的营销策略。在首席执行官埃隆·马斯克的推动下,特斯拉成为主流品牌,创造了完美的汽车组合,这是其他汽车制造商所没有达到的——技术、动力、环保意识。作为世界上唯一一家完全整合的可持续能源公司,特斯拉正在引领不可避免的向可持续能源平台的转变。特斯拉汽车公司的概念源于汽车行业的激烈竞争。特斯拉最初是由马克·塔彭宁(Marc Tarpenning)、马丁·埃伯哈德(Martin Eberhard)、JB·斯特劳贝尔(JB Straubel)、伊恩·赖特(Ian Wright)和埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)在加州帕洛阿尔托(Palo Alto)创立的。这两位美国工程师和企业家的主要动机是大型汽车公司试图终止电动汽车(EV)项目。特别是通用汽车公司(General Motors)从上世纪90年代末到本世纪初生产的EV1型汽车,只能通过租赁协议向消费者提供。通用汽车认为电动汽车行业是一个重大的利润损失,在2003年强行从消费者手中收回了所有EV1车型,将所有车型送进了垃圾场销毁。在纪录片导演克里斯·佩因(Chris Paine)中,他声称通用汽车公司破坏了EV1,因为担心电动汽车会破坏其传统业务。通用汽车(General Motor)决定将美国公众与电动汽车市场隔离,这激怒了塔普宁(Tarpenning)、埃伯哈德(Eberhard)和马斯克(Musk),他们冒险创建了一个创新的、价格实惠的汽车品牌,在市场上随处可见。尽管在2003年由Tarpenning和Eberhard正式成立,Elon Musk领导了主要的A系列和B系列投资融资业务,最终在2008年的大衰退后接任首席执行官(CEO)。
Ingenious innovation. Practical application. Forward thinking. These three phrases summarize the progressive and aggressive marketing strategy of Tesla, Inc. Driven to mainstream popularity by CEO Elon Musk, the brand name Tesla has created the perfect the perfect automotive combination that no other car manufacturing had attained – technology, power, environmental consciousness. As the world’s only fully integrated sustainable energy company, Tesla is leading the inevitable shift toward a sustainable energy platform.The conception of Tesla Motors, Inc. is rooted in fierce competition of the automotive industry. Initially established as Tesla Motors, the company was founded in 2003 by Marc Tarpenning, Martin Eberhard, JB Straubel, Ian Wright and Elon Musk in Palo Alto, California. The two American engineers and entrepreneurs were mainly motivated by big car companies attempts to terminate Electric Vehicle (EV) Programs. In particular, General Motors (GM) produced the EV1 from the late 1990s to the early 2000s, only available to consumers under leasing agreements. Believing the electric car sector to be a significant profit loss, GM forcibly reclaimed all EV1 models from consumers in 2003, sending all models to be destroyed in junkyards. In the documentary director Chris Paine contends GM sabotaged the EV1, fearing electric vehicles would undermine its conventional business. Outraged by General Motor’s decision to isolate the American public from the electric car market, Tarpenning, Eberhard, and Musk ventured to create an innovative, affordable car brand with widespread availability. Although officially incorporated by Tarpenning and Eberhard in 2003, Elon Musk led both major Series A and Series B investment funding operations, eventually taking over as Chief Executive Officer (CEO) after the Great Recession of 2008.