
2017-05-22 00:39

Many special needs students have considerable difficulty moving very far beyond this concrete level of processing information, and they typically run into great frustration when asked to carry out higher levels of thinking on academic tasks (Munday, 2001). Therefore, parents, teachers and other professionals who work with children are guided to a greater understanding of a child's cognitive abilities and deficits, can move toward a more supportive and reflective stance in regard to parenting or teaching the child (Murphy, 2009, as cited in Solarz, n.d.). For these children, the true-false test, the matching tests, and the "fill-in-the-blank" tests are likely to be more "user friendly"; some elements of phonics can generalise their day to day experiences in learning; and drill-type teaching is a very essential component that lays solid foundations of information on which future learning can be built (Munday, 2001).After reaching a fair level of mastery in a limited set of facts, whether in phonics or beginning math, or any subject, students should be moved "up" the level of difficulty on Bloom's taxonomy wherever possible. Children should be asked, as often as possible, to retell information in their own words. Allow them to make comparisons on what is similar from one object to another. Help them to notice attributes that are different so they can contrast the differences. Show them how to estimate. Use many concrete examples that reinforce their strength, but always try to help them stretch their boundaries at the same time (Munday, 2001).