
2018-05-12 15:46

考虑到教师被认为是专业人士的规模是很重要的。霍伊尔和约翰(1995)的标准方法会导致一系列的特性,构成了衡量一个职业视为一个专业,如职业的定义与它的社会功能中心,高技能和独立决策和适应性,等。依照惯例和约翰(1995),这些措施一直在教学实践和嵌入的教学标准。重要的是要认识到,随着时间的推移,我们对这些领域的知识和理解会发生巨大的变化。这决定了它的专业信誉。这就解释了为什么有些职业现在被认为是专业的,在过去没有得到认可。例如,直到最近人们才知道或了解人体的复杂性。一些简单的解决方案,如出血患者,被使用,以及当时的有限知识,似乎是“工作”。同样,简单的教学和学习观,以及简单的技巧,如惩罚,被应用,被视为“工作”。仅仅过了一个世纪,医生和其他行业的医生并没有太大的差别,而且只比治疗者(Berliner, 1987)稍微好一点。哈佛大学的医学教育,由两个学期组成。医学的“艺术”主要是“工作”。目前,这是教学“在职”教学的案例。
It is important to consider the scale of which teachers are considered professionals. The standard approach of Hoyle and John (1995) leads to a number of features that the forms the measure of an occupation to be regarded as a professional, such as the definition of a profession in relation to its social function center, high skill set and independent decision-making and adaptability, etc. In accordance with Hoyle and John (1995), these measures are consistently demonstrated in teaching practices and are embedded as part of the teaching standards. It is important to recognize that our knowledge and understanding of the areas can change dramatically over time. This determines its professional credibility. This explains why some occupations now recognized as a professional, were not granted this recognition in the past. For example, the complexity of the human body was not known or understood until recently. Simple solutions such as bleeding patients for fever, were used, and the limited knowledge at the time, appeared to "work". Similarly, the simple view of teaching and learning, and the simple techniques, such as punishment, are applied and perceived as "working". Just over a century doctors were not so different from members of other industries, and only a little better than the healer (Berliner, 1987). Medical education in Harvard, Massachusetts, consisting of two semesters. The "art" of medicine is taught largely "on the job". Currently, this is the case with teaching being taught "on the job".