
2018-07-29 15:40

Eileen的社会情绪发展似乎正在达到她这个年龄段的发展里程碑,因为她的父母声称她是社交型的,并且“虽然有时之前有过冲突,但是过了一段时间,他们又回到了朋友的状态(原文如此)”。在Kumon,她更接近她的3个朋友,她在同一个班级已经超过18个月(1.5个学年)。附件D展示了她的一个朋友在一年前艾琳五岁生日时所做的艺术。艾琳也有她自己的卧室,和能够让她自己的床上早上,醒来后,从而满足socio-emotional里程碑的更加独立和负责他/她的行为.Eileen的母亲也分享她(艾琳)能够准确地给她的一些亲戚的生日,她比较熟悉,如果有他们的名字,但如果她的生日,她可能无法生日的状态。Parke和Gauvain(2009)指出,她无法做到这一点与孩子的认知发展水平相符,“在2 - 6岁的孩子的许多其他反应中,明显存在无法逆转一系列心理步骤的现象”。她也有大约10 - 15分钟的注意力,虽然她的注意力可以延长如果她从事自己感兴趣的东西,如果艾琳正在玩她的玩具特别感兴趣,她会“非常连接”上,她的父母经历了困难她改变焦点到另一个活动或任务。这不是Schmitt(2012)提到的发展规范的一部分,在这个过程中,一个典型的发展中孩子的注意力跨度应该是3-5分钟的孩子的年龄,这意味着对于Eileen来说,她应该能够有一个大约的注意力跨度。
Eileen's socio-emotional development appear to be meeting the developmental milestones of her age group, as her parents claim that she is sociable, and that 'although sometimes got conflict before, but after a while, they are back as friends again (sic)'. In Kumon, she is closer to 3 of her friends whom she has been in the same class for over 18 months (1.5 academic years). Annexe D shows the art that one of her friends did for Eileen's 5th birthday a year ago. Also, Eileen has her own bedroom, and is able to make her own bed in the morning, after waking up, thereby meeting the socio-emotional milestone of being more independent and in charge of his/her behaviour .Eileen's mother also shared that she (Eileen) can accurately give the birthdates of some of her relatives that she is more familiar with, if given their names, although if she is given the birthdates, she may not be able to state whose birthday that is. Her inability to do so is in line with the child's level of cognitive development, as Parke and Gauvain (2009) stated that the "inability to reverse a series of mental steps is evident in many other responses of the child between 2 and 6 years old". She also has an attention span of approximately 10-15 minutes, although her attention span may be extended if she is engaged in something of her interest, and if Eileen was engaged in playing with toys of her particular interest, she would get "very hooked" onto it and that her parents experienced difficulty in getting her to change focus to another activity or task. This is not part of the developmental norms that Schmitt (2012) mentioned, whereby a typically developing child's attention span should be 3-5 minutes of the child's age, which means that for Eileen, she should be able to have an attention span of approximately