
2018-11-26 22:34

在我们之前的许多代人都在思考人类行为发展背后的原因。有很多理论可以解释为什么人类会有这样的行为。现存的行为理论来源于生理学和社会学的解释,但这两种解释并不总是相互兼容的。关于人类行为的著名的先天与后天之争源于生理(先天)和社会学(后天)解释的支持者之间的观点冲突。纵观历史,研究在两种理论之间摇摆不定。然而,理论家们已经打破了先天与后天的界限。*到今天,人们利用这两种解释来探索人类行为。早在我们这个时代之前,早期的哲学家就致力于理解人类的行为。早在公元前350年,柏拉图和亚里士多德等哲学家就试图理解行为。*先天还是后天的问题可以追溯到这些时代。柏拉图认为行为和知识是由先天因素决定的。作者菲奥娜·考伊(Fiona Cowie)说:“我们的精神家具的特征在很大程度上是由内部决定的,而不是由环境决定的,这一主张在柏拉图的著作中首次找到了实质性的辩护……”柏拉图认为所有的知识都是与生俱来的。柏拉图也认为环境在人类的过程中扮演了一个角色,但他认为它有一个独特的角色。他认为环境并没有教会人们任何新的东西,但它的目的是提醒人们他们已经知道的信息(Cowie, 1999)。虽然柏拉图的观点在今天没有得到支持,但他为其他研究者的研究奠定了基础。
Numerous generations before us have deliberated on the reasons behind the development of human behavior. There have been many theories formulated to explain why humans behave the way they do. The surviving theories for behavior derive from physiological and sociological explanations, however, the two explanations have not always been compatible with each other. The famous nature vs. nurture debate over human behavior resulted from conflicting views between proponents of the physiological (nature) and sociological (nurture) explanations. Throughout history, research has swayed popularity back and forth between the theories. Yet, theorists have broken down the line separating nature and nurture.* As of today, people utilize both explanations to explore human behavior.Considerably before our time, early philosophers endeavored to understand the human behavior. As early as 350 BC, such philosophers as Plato and Aristotle tried to understand behavior. *The question of nature or nurture as the primary drive can be traced to these times. Plato believed behavior and knowledge was due to innate factors. Author Fiona Cowie states, “The claim that the character of our mental furniture is to a large extent internally rather than environmentally determined found its first substantive defense in the works of Plato…” (Cowie, ). Plato theorized that all knowledge is present at birth. Plato also believed that the environment played a part in human processes, but he thought it had a unique role. He believed the environment did not teach people anything new, but its purpose was to remind people of information they already knew (Cowie, 1999). Although Plato’s views are not supported today, he laid the groundwork for other researchers to follow.