
2019-02-15 21:26

漫画书的创作者们一直以使用一种策略创造出类似于臭名昭著的众神的角色而闻名,这种策略将普通的理想凡人英雄与坚不可摧的神仙区分开来。通过这种策略,漫画作者可以给他们的角色一个充满学术气息的外壳(Reynolds 53)。1962年,强大的雷神漫画人物托尔诞生,李和托马斯完美地运用了这一策略(54)。阿斯加德的角色只是现成的超级英雄,等待着被转化成漫画世界(57)。被任命为漫画历史上最不寻常的发明之一,托尔真正定义“……第一次成功尝试利用现有大规模神话构建超级英雄”的场面调度与历史,雷神是奥丁的儿子,宇宙之父,弗丽嘉女王神。他的名字可以追溯到古代挪威神话,在那里他以惊人的力量和巨大的体型而闻名。这使众神惊奇不已。他被认为是拥有魔法锤子的雷电之神,“被尊为挪威最高的神”(60)。在与狂暴的怪兽、致命的巨人和史前力量的战斗中,雷神总是正确的。当雷神卷入战斗时,有三个主要的属性定义了他的角色。第一个是他臭名昭著的锤子米尔尼尔,象征着怪物和巨人破碎的头骨。第二是他的力量之腰带,扣上就能使他的能力倍增。最后是他必须戴上铁手套才能挥动锤子。
Comic book creators have been known for using a strategy to create characters which tend to resemble infamous gods to separate the common ideal mortal heroes from the indestructible immortals. By using this strategy, comic book creators are able to give their characters a fierce outer shell with a scholarly uplift (Reynolds 53). With the creation of the Mighty Thor comic book character in 1962, Lee and Thomas used this strategy perfectly (54). Asgardian characters were just ready-made superheroes waiting to be transformed into the comic-book world (57). Being named one of the most unusual creations in comic book history, Thor truly defined “…the first successful attempt to harness existing mythology on a large scale to construct the mise en scene of a superhero” In relation to history, Thor was the son of Odin, the universal father, and Frigga queen of the gods. His name dates back to ancient Norse Mythology where he was known for his incredible strength and enormous size. This continually amazed the gods.Recognized as the god of thunder with a magical hammer, he was “honoured as the highest god in Norway” (60). Thor was always right in the middle of action when it came to battling against raging monsters, deadly giants, and prehistoric forces. There are three main properties that define Thor’s character when he becomes involved in battle. The first is his infamous hammer Miollnir which symbolizes the crushing skulls of monsters and giants. The second is his belt of strength which when buckled, makes his godlike powers multiply. Last are his iron gloves which he must wear in order to swing his hammer .