堪培拉作业代写 自动化的飞行

2020-03-16 06:47

在快速变化的世界的航空、驾驶舱和航电系统本身变得越来越先进和自动化的方式飞行员自己如今在大多数情况下,最薄弱的环节在紧急情况下的飞行安全或非常紧张的情况。在大多数情况下,飞行员在指挥(PIC)需要采取一系列非常重要的决定,如何在很短的时间内解决紧急情况。飞行员的精神负荷使他容易做出错误的决定,做出错误的计算和错误的估计,最终导致悲剧性的结果。美国国家航空航天局(NASA)对飞机失去控制因素进行的一项研究发现,糟糕的能量管理是导致人类失去控制的第二大因素,仅次于不适当的训练和手动操作错误。此外,在系统导致的控制损失中,糟糕的能量管理也是第二重要的因素,这也可能与推进相关的问题(如不对称推力和能量管理)有关。“能量管理是指飞行员的知识和能力,适当地控制飞机的空速、高度、垂直速度和姿态的组合。(Jacobson, NASA 2010)。能量管理不足通常会导致不稳定的进近,从而可能导致高度、姿态或空速不足,无法从失速等失控事件中恢复。在飞机相对接近地面的飞行阶段,飞机能源管理不善往往会导致悲剧性的后果。
堪培拉作业代写 自动化的飞行
In the fast-moving world of aviation, the cockpit and the avionic systems themselves are becoming more and more advanced and automated in such a way that the pilot himself is in most cases nowadays, the weakest link in the safety of flight in the case of an emergency or very stressful situation.In most cases, the Pilot in Command (PIC) needs to take a series of very important decisions as to how to solve the emergency situation in a very short time. The mental workload that pilot is under makes him prone to taking erroneous decisions, making miscalculations and wrong estimations which can ultimately lead to a tragic outcome. A study made by NASA on Aircraft Loss of Control Factors has found Poor Energy Management as being the second most prominent factor in Human Induced loss of control after Improper Training and Manual Handling Errors. Also, in Systems Induced Loss of Control, Poor Energy Management is also the second most important factor, which also can be linked with Propulsion Related issues (such as asymmetric thrust, and energy management). “Energy Management is referred to as the pilot’s knowledge and ability to properly control the combination of the aircraft’s airspeed, altitude, vertical speed and attitude.” (Jacobson, NASA 2010). Inadequate energy management usually results in un-stabilised approaches, which could then potentially lead to inadequate altitude, attitude or airspeed to recover from a Loss of Control event such as a stall. The poor energy management of an aircraft during the flight phases in which the aircraft is relatively close to the ground can most often lead to tragic consequences.