
2018-10-14 21:43

The balance that Devlin seeks to achieve is placed in the context of the political morality of contemporary society, where toleration is itself a prime moral principle. Thus there “Must be toleration of the maximum individual freedom that is consistent with the integrity of society[6]”. Devlin’s justification for the legal enforcement of morality is an extension of the harm principle to a perceived threat to society, rather than harm to other individuals. This seems quite a reasonable proposition. However this test is one that masquerades as (1) a relevant test for the principle and (2) an objective test. Devlin’s reasonable man is not asked in sociological terms what immorality is actually threatening to society. He is asked, instead, what he feels disgust at.Further he asserts that whilst the reasonable man test is employed as a way of alienating a courtroom issue from the subjective opinions of parties to a particular legal issue, it does not necessarily have the same effect in this situation. Devlin employs the term reasonable man to give the impression of objectivity. However it is a fiction to suggest that there is a reasonable man when it comes to difficult moral issues. The reasonable man of legal fiction is one who employs practical reason and due consideration when acting. However, all the practical reason and due consideration in the world will not change the preferences an prejudices that embody disgust. On the issue of homosexuality, many people intellectually feel that people’s sexual orientation is not a matter for legal intervention, but they nonetheless find homosexual acts to be repellent. The reasonable man test is thus a spurious validation for prevailing societal aesthetics, rather than a test of what society feels to be threatening