澳大利亚History Assignment 代写:法国革命

2020-01-27 23:41

法国革命是一场必要的革命,它使法国人民获得了独立,并建立了一种新的政府形式。在法国大革命之前,法国正在经历文艺复兴,这引发了法国大革命的一些原因。在革命之前,法国人民是非常不平等的,这引发了革命。法国人民面临的问题之一是不平等的等级制度。等级制度代表了法国社会的三个社会等级:牧师等级、第二等级贵族等级和第三等级。法国的大多数人口处于第三等级,他们被迫支付大部分的税收。当法国因为参与战争和美国革命而负债时,这个问题就更加严重了。这导致了巨额债务,这真的激怒了第三阶层。同时,这也是启蒙运动发生的时期,是文艺复兴的重要组成部分。许多哲学家撰写并传播了许多关于平等和投票权的思想。这进一步加剧了第三阶级的反抗运动,导致了法国大革命的爆发。法国大革命不仅仅是一场战争。有几个事件导致了大的战役和更大的事件。国民议会成立后,革命采取了行动。1748年5月的" Estates-General "和攻占巴士底狱等事件引发了革命。后来,《人权宣言》通过引起占法国人口大多数的下层阶级的注意,为革命赢得了更多的支持。所有这些小事件都导致了战争和战争,并在革命中发挥了重要作用。这场革命在社会秩序和日常生活等方面对法国产生了永久性的影响。法国革命对于人民为平等和正义而斗争是最必要的。
澳大利亚History Assignment 代写:法国革命
The French Revolution was a necessary revolution that gave the people of France their independence and a new form of government that was much needed. Before the French revolution, France was going through the Renaissance, which sparked some causes for the French Revolution. The government before the revolution was very unequal to the people of France, which sparked the revolution. One of the government issues to the people of France was the unequal Estate System. The Estate System represented three social orders of within French society: Estate-Clergy, Second Estate-Nobles, and Third Estate. The majority of the population of France was in the third estate and were forced to pay most of all of the taxes that came towards France. This being a problem was enhanced a ton when France’s debt came along because of participation in wars and the American Revolution. This lead to a massive debt which really angered the third estate. Also, this was when the Enlightenment was happening, a major part of the Renaissance. Many Philosophers wrote and spread many ideas of equality and voting rights. This further enhanced the movement of the third estate rebelling and causing the French Revolution to occur. The French Revolution was not just battling. There were several events leading up to the big battles and bigger events. The revolution took action when the National Assembly was formed. The starting events such as the Estates-General in May 1748 and the Storming of the Bastille caused the revolution to take action. Then the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen gained more support for the revolution by gaining the attention of the lower class which was the majority of France’s population. All of these smaller events lead to battles and war and played a major role in the revolution. The revolution permanently affected France in many ways such as social order and daily life. The French Revolution was most necessary for the people to fight for equality and justice.