
2017-03-28 01:06

所有企业都受其经营环境。越来越多的公司受到这些因素的影响,而不是国内。威尔集团也不例外,尤其是受到政治和经济因素的考虑,其客户经营的–所有对环境的潜在破坏性,越来越多的关于二氧化碳排放的新法规下的行业,健康和安全,稀缺的供应以及成本的增加和来自新兴经济体的需求增加。这影响了“它的市场、技术和劳动力”(布鲁克斯,伊恩等2004)。对他们基本上获利的市场的伦理关注,比如伊拉克,也有重大影响。威尔几年前退出伊拉克,因为它受到来自政治和社会压力的压力增大。健康与安全教育是不断钻入全球员工通过SafeStart™[ 1 ]计划–旨在减少工伤事故的发生率。这在英国和北美洲是非常受欢迎的,也是组织哲学的一部分。然而,在世界其他地区,由于对健康和安全的不同看法,实施更为困难,特别是在欠发达的世界市场,雇员的健康和安全可能不被视为产生利润同等重要。尽管如此,随着世界的普遍和商业世界,特别是变得更加社会责任和意识,需要实施这样的做法将变得更加重要,威尔将要管理这个密切和有效地在其业务在世界各地。跨部门合作的跨文化合作的发生率越来越高,新的做法和观点将更容易被采纳。
All businesses are affected by the environments in which they operate in. Increasingly, companies are affected by such factors globally rather than domestically. Weir Group is no exception and is particularly affected by political and economic factors given the industries in which its customers operate in – all potentially damaging to the environment and increasingly coming under new regulations with regard to CO2 emissions, health and safety, scarcity in supply as well as increasing costs and increasing demand from emerging economies. This influences “its markets, its technologies and its workforce.” (Brooks, Ian et al 2004). Ethical concerns over the markets in which they essentially profit from, such as Iraq, also have a major influence. Weir pulled out of Iraq just a few years ago as it came under increased pressure from political and social pressures. Health and Safety education is constantly drilled into employees globally through the SafeStart™[1] programme – aimed at reducing the incidences of industrial accidents. This has proved to be very welcome in the UK and North America and is very much part of the organisation’s philosophy. In other parts of the world, however, it has proved more difficult to implement as differing views to health and safety exist, particularly in the less developed markets of the world, where health and safety of employees might not be regarded as quite as important as generating a profit. Nonetheless, as the world in general and the business world in particular become more socially responsible and aware, the need to implement such practices will become more important and Weir will have to manage this closely and effectively in its operations throughout the world. It should be facilitated by the fact that there is an increasing incidence of cross-cultural collaboration throughout its divisions and new practices and views will subsequently be adopted more easily.