麦考瑞assignment 代写:双语教育的争论

2018-03-11 15:39

关于双语教育的争论不仅仅是关于教育;它也有社会方面的方面。许多人都关心在美国的LEP学生的同化。学生们担心这些特殊的英语学习项目会造成刻板印象,降低他们的自尊心,强化母语为英语的人和他们之间的差异。然而,科利尔强调,与一些双语项目不同,双向双语教育并没有将LEP学生与母语为英语的人隔离开来。相反,他们鼓励学生互相帮助,这加强了对彼此文化和语言的尊重。玛丽亚·埃斯特拉·斯旺(Maria Estela)和教育教授认为,“熟悉文化不仅支持第二语言学习,而且丰富了事实知识和认知发展。”此外,她还说,“将双语学生的文化融入学校的课程中,将以一种非常具体的方式来提高美国学生对世界的认识。”其他文化的人会以不同的方式解决问题、人际交往和学习。体验和讨论这些差异扩大了美国学生的视野。在科技促进与世界各地不同语言和文化背景的人们接触的时代,学校需要让所有学生在一个日益互动的世界里进行交流和联系,这一点应该是显而易见的。综上所述,学校应该被要求采用双语教学计划,因为它在英语教学中是最有效的,并且它的参与者是所有LEP学生中最有可能在未来取得学业成功的学生。
麦考瑞assignment 代写:双语教育的争论
This debate over bilingual education is not purely about education; it also has a social aspect. Many people are concerned with the LEP students' assimilation in the U.S, and fear that these special programs for English learning students will cause stereotyping, reduce their self-esteem, and reinforce the difference between native English speakers and them. However, Collier stresses that unlike some bilingual programs, two-way bilingual education do not segregate LEP students from the native English speakers. On the contrary, they encourage students to depend on each other for help, which strengthens respect for each other's culture and language. Maria Estela Brisk, and education professor, believes that "Familiarity with culture not only supports second language learning but enriches factual knowledge and cognitive development". In addition, she claims that "Incorporating in the school curricula aspects of the bilingual students' cultures will by extension improve American students' knowledge of the world in a very tangible manner. People of other cultures approach problem solving, personal interactions, and learning differently. Experiencing and discussing such differences expands American students' perspectives. At a time when technology facilitates contact with people of diverse linguistic and cultural backgrounds throughout the world, it should be obvious that schools need to prepare all students to communicate and relate in an increasingly interactive world".In conclusion, schools should be required to adopt a bilingual educational program, as it is the most effective in teaching limited English proficiency students the English language, and also its participants are the most likely out of all LEP students to succeed academically in the future.