
2017-07-23 17:42

Cleary等人认为,城市中学的环境因素导致的学习成绩不良。此外,本研究引入了一个自我调控赋权项目(SREP)专注于战略和自我的学生管理培训。SREP应该改善行为和学术的城市高中学生的成功。然而,不仅是计划工作在以上学生上生物课的平均成绩,并协助他们在运筹帷幄,在试验前。学生们在这项研究中提高考试成绩,用更多的自我调控策略,并获得了更多的信心,这导致更好的科学材料的理解,在不同的研究中,四十五个男孩和45个女孩从第五,第八,和第十一级,包括天赋,经常,White,黑人,西班牙裔,和来自中产阶级的社会经济地位的亚洲学生,被要求展示他们如何使用自我调节策略在数学和英语14。资优学生表现出较高的自我调控策略使用水平。此外,研究结果表明,女孩比男孩更多使用自我调节策略;然而,不同种族之间没有差异(齐默尔曼和Martinez Ponz,1990)。此外,Neber和Schommer Aikins(2002)对小学和中学的天才学生的研究。研究结果显示,高中生比小学学生表现出更多的考试焦虑和工作回避。此外,在更高层次的学习策略中没有发现性别差异,发现女生对科学的兴趣比男生少。此外,研究结果表明,高技能学生的自主学习应该以不同的形式进行。
Cleary, et al considers poor academic achievement in urban high schools the result of environmental factors. Additionally, the study introduced a Self-Regulation Empowerment Program (SREP) which focused on strategic and self-regulatory training for the students. SREP was supposed to improve the behaviors and academic success of urban high school students. However, not only did the program work in getting above average grades in the students biology class, it assisted them in strategizing before test. The students in this study improved test scores, used more self-regulatory strategies, and gained more confidence which led to better understanding of the science material.In a different study, forty-five boys and 45 girls from the 5th, 8th, and 11th grade that included gifted, regular, White, Black, Hispanic, and Asian students from middle-class socio economic status, were asked to show how they used 14 self-regulated strategies in mathematics and English. Gifted students showed a higher level of use of self-regulation strategies. In addition, results showed that the girls used more self-regulated strategies than the boys; however, there was no difference between the different races (Zimmerman and Martinez-Ponz, 1990). Furthermore, Neber and Schommer-Aikins (2002) did a study on highly gifted students from elementary and high school. The outcome of the study showed that high school students showed more test anxiety and work avoidance than elementary school students. In addition, it did not find any gender differences in higher-level learning strategies, what was found, was that female students showed less interest in science than the boys. Moreover, findings suggested that self-regulated learning of highly gifted students should be taught in different forms.