
2019-01-15 02:13

已知油菜感兴趣的表型有几个基因型。油菜的茎可以是紫色的,也可以是非紫色的。紫色是由色素花青素产生的,由显性等位基因ANL控制。油菜无花青素突变体不能产生花青素色素(Burdzinski, 1)。因此,无花青素植株具有非紫色茎干,受隐性等位基因anl控制。花青素色素在植物中非常重要,因为“花青素的存在为育种者提供了调色板(Delpech, 207)。”色素产生的颜色引导传粉者找到花粉的来源,以确保授粉的过程。除了茎的颜色,植物上的毛状体是由基因控制的另一个特征。毛发的存在最明显的表现在茎的上部和叶子上。毛发性状受显性等位基因HIR控制,无毛性状受隐性等位基因HIR控制。研究快速植物遗传学的另一个特征是叶子的颜色。当叶子呈现深绿色时,这是植物产生大量叶绿素的结果。深绿色叶片的植株受显性等位基因YGR的控制。另一方面,黄绿色叶片的植物产生的叶绿素较少,受隐性等位基因ygr控制。决定速生植物可能基因型的最后一个特征是茎高。当一种植物产生的赤霉素比标准植物少4到10倍时,它的茎就不会伸长,植株就会显得矮小。赤霉素缺酸的植株较矮,称为蔷薇矮。侏儒性状受隐性等位基因ros的控制。另一方面,那些产生比标准植物多12倍赤霉素的植物,其茎比普通植物长。高茎由隐性等位基因ein控制。当一株植物产生平均数量的赤霉素时,它就是平均高度。利用这些已知的表型和基因型,可以通过观察植物的性状来预测植物的基因型。
Several genotypes with the known phenotypes of interest of Brassica rapa are known. The stems of Brassica rapa may be purple or non-purple. The purple color results from the pigment anthocyanin and is a controlled by the dominant allele, ANL. “Anthocyaninless mutants of Brassica rapa fail to produce anthocyanin pigments (Burdzinski, 1).” The anthocyaninless plants therefore have non-purple stems and are controlled by the recessive allele, anl. The anthocynanin pigment is extremely important in plants because “the presence of anthocyanins that provide the colour palette for the breeder (Delpech, 207).” The colors produced by the pigment guides the pollinator to the source of the pollen to ensure the process of pollination. In addition to the color of the stem, the trichomes on the plants are another characteristic controlled by genes. The presence of hair is most notably present on the upper portion of the stem and on the leaves. The characteristic for hair is controlled by the dominant allele, HIR while the characteristic for being hairless is controlled by the recessive allele, hir. Another characteristic used to study the genetics of fast plants is the color of the leaves. When the leaves appear dark green, it is a result of the plant producing a significant amount of chlorophyll. The plants with dark green leaves are controlled by the dominant allele, YGR. On the other hand, plants with yellow-green leaves produce less chlorophyll and are controlled by a recessive allele, ygr. The final trait used to determine the possible genotypes of the fast plant is stem height. When a plant produces four to ten times less of gibberellic acid than a standard plant, the stems of the plant does not elongate as much and the plant appears dwarf. The plants with gibberellic acid deficiency are thus short and are called Rosette-Dwarf. The dwarf characteristic is controlled by the recessive allele, ros. On the other hand, plants that produce up to twelve times more gibberellic acid than the standard plants have stems that elongate more than usual. The tall stems are controlled by a recessive allele, ein. When a plant produces the average mount of gibberelic acid, it is average in height. With these known phenotypes and genotypes, it is possible to predict the genotypes of plants by examining their observed characteristics.