
2019-02-19 23:03

为了为DVD行业的消亡做好准备,Netflix必须在自己的单独订阅计划下提供流媒体服务。这一点很可能出现在允许在高端电视上观看流媒体内容的技术的渗透率相当高的时候。这项技术在某些方面已经存在;Apple TV可以无线连接到用户的电脑上,从iTunes商店下载的电影下载到电脑上,然后在用户的电视[16]上播放这些电影。然而,这一昂贵的技术被主流人群采用,使电影在电视上的数字发行获得巨大利润,还需要一段时间。也正是在这个时候,Netflix在之前的合作架构下的流媒体经验,将帮助它彻底改变商业模式,最终成为电影娱乐的数字分销商,而不是DVD租赁渠道。从邮递dvd租赁日起,它将保持的一个重要因素是它的用户可以使用上述的“个性化图书馆”。Netflix将继续受益于其通过数据库更好地了解客户基础的优势,这些优势是Netflix多年来获得的,并将继续发展。显然,Netflix的竞争对手也将试图这么做。如前所述,Blockbuster对Movielink的收购只是表明,它也在寻求类似的策略,以求在实体媒体[20]消亡后继续生存。然而,Netflix历来更善于了解其用户,并提供更容易使用的cont
In order to prepare for the demise of the DVD industry, Netflix must make its streaming services available under a separate subscription plan of its own. This point will likely come at a time when the penetration of technology allowing for viewing streaming content on high-end TVs is substantially high. The technology already exists in some ways; the Apple TV is used to wirelessly connect to one’s computer and retrieve movies downloaded from the iTunes store onto the computer, then play those movies on one’s television[16]. However, it will be some time before this expensive technology is adopted by the mainstream population to such an extent that the digital distribution of movies onto those TVs will return large profits. It is also at this time that Netflix’s experience with streaming under the previous tie-in structure will aid it in completely changing its business model toward eventually becoming a digital distributor of filmed entertainment as opposed to a DVD rental outlet. The one important factor it will maintain from its rent-DVDs-by-mail days will be the aforementioned “personalized library” available to its subscriber. Netflix will continue to benefit from the advantages associated with its superior understanding of its customer base through their databases, which they have acquired over the years and will continue to develop. Clearly, Netflix’s competitors will be trying to do the same. As mentioned before, Blockbuster’s acquisition of Movielink only serves to signal that it is also pursuing a similar strategy in trying to survive beyond the death of physical media[20]. Yet, Netflix has historically been more adept at understanding its consumers and delivering easier to use cont