莫纳什monashi作业代写 教育合作关系

2020-06-06 03:37

学校和社区之间的良好合作关系对于确保社区家庭和儿童的成功和福祉至关重要。这是一个相互依赖的环境,社区和学校互相帮助,以实现各种目标。学校的主要目标是确保培养出在课程和课外活动中出类拔萃的学生。另一方面,社区打算建立一种社会凝聚力的形式,以促进所有个体的共存(Nelson & Prilleltensky, 2010)。学校帮助青少年树立榜样,使他们能够在与社会其他成员的交往中采取适当的态度和发展积极的心态。这有助社会达致为社会所有成员建立适合生活和工作的环境的目标。社区联系和综合服务对实现学习目标很重要。根据哈莱姆儿童区(HCZ),很明显,社区联系有助于促进学习目标。他们帮助学生适应学校环境中不断变化的环境。适应是帮助学生在去制度化的情况下融入其他系统的演员之一(Nelson & Prilleltensky, 78)。社区链接有助于提供学习中至关重要的补充资源。例如,HCZ为不同类型学校的儿童提供资助。HCZ还帮助促进学生从高中过渡到大学(麦卡锡&吉恩-路易斯,北达科他州)。它为学生提供信息,使他们能够适应新的学习经验。当学生转变为另一层次的学习者时,这有助于提高他们的自尊。因此,他们能够集中精力,在学习中出类拔萃。(麦卡锡&吉恩-路易斯,n.d.)这证明了一个事实,即社区联系可能是学校学习的关键,有时是学校学习的一部分。
莫纳什monashi作业代写 教育合作关系
A partnership between the school and the community that is well designed could be vital in ensuring success and the well – being of families and children in the community. This is an interdependence environment where the community and the school help each other to achieve various goals. The main goal of the school is to ensure that it raises students who are able to excel in their curricular and co-curricular activities. On the other hand, the community intends to establish a form of social cohesiveness that would facilitate the coexistence of all individuals (Nelson & Prilleltensky, 2010). Schools help to model young individuals so that they can adopt appropriate attitudes and develop a positive mentality throughout their interactions with other members of the society. This helps the society to achieve its objective of establishing a suitable environment for all the members of the community to live and work.Community links and comprehensive services are important to the goals of learning. According to the Harlem’s Children Zone (HCZ), it is apparent that community link can help to promote learning goals. They help to facilitate the adaptation of students to the changing circumstances in the school environment. Adaptation is one of the actors that help the students to integrate into other systems in case of deinstitutionalization (Nelson & Prilleltensky 78). Community links help to provide supplementary resources that are crucial in learning. For instance, HCZ facilitates the provision of grants to children in different types of schools. HCZ also helps to facilitate the transition of students from high school to college (McCarthy & Jean – Louis, n.d.). It provides the students with information that would enable them to adapt to the new learning experience. This helps to improve the self esteem of the students as they transform to another level of learners. Therefore, they are able to concentrate and excel in their learnin. g (McCarthy & Jean – Louis, n.d.). This proves the fact that the community links could be vital of school learning, and sometimes be part of school learning.
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