澳洲莫纳什代写 加德纳的理论

2020-10-01 23:12

澳洲莫纳什代写 加德纳的理论
    Gardner’s theories have impacted education for children with developmental disability and it explains how it affects the strength of the students. Identifying the theories that impacted education for children with disabilities can be important to customize the class according to the needs and the way it is more powerful and good for their abilities. With the use of multiple theory of intelligence, special education is raising a child in a special way that he or she will lead to increase their self-esteem. Gardner has given special tools to the teachers to assess their students and find the classes to fit them according to their needs and capabilities. The students’ performance should be measured according to their perception and interaction with others rather than measured by solving the questions. Students see things differently from everyone else and multiple theory of intelligence play an important role in it. This is an inclusive educational environment where no one feels inferior or superior to anyone else. Every individual has his own personal learning styles which may differ due to their disabilities. For example, they may have difficulty with integration or difficulty with memorizing material. Also, the community has been playing a crucial role in the usage of multiple theory of intelligence. People in the community have been actively involved in at least the basic understanding of what is being used and what are the pros and cons of the implementations of the theory of Multiple Intelligence. These theories of intelligence are very valuable to human development. The characteristics are their future interests, jobs and their motives. By noticing what these capabilities are, opportunities may open that may have not been known before. Each skill that is discovered by the use of multiple theory of intelligence increases self-esteem, and widens perspective as well as given new chances. This multiple theory of intelligence is acknowledged worldwide and will create a noticeable change in our lives throughout our school placement, jobs and personal learning styles. Each individual is different from each other in their interests, capacities, capabilities etc. when an individual is having a feeling of ownership in their work, their behaviors rather than being told what to do and they are free to choose whatever they want to choose, according to their interests and personality traits.
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