澳大利亚护理assignment代写 Providing care

2020-01-29 22:36

在生命的最后阶段为病人和家人提供护理既有回报也有挑战。重要的是你要意识到悲伤是如何影响你个人的,并减轻你的压力。有哪些干预措施可以帮助你在生命结束时减轻照顾病人的压力?照顾一个垂死的病人是很有挑战性的,而且经常会导致医护人员等护理人员精疲力竭。与其他医护人员相比,护士花在晚期病人身上的时间最多,因此,考虑自我护理和晋升,认识自己的价值观和对死亡的感受是至关重要的。很明显,当你和病人一起工作这么长时间,你和他们形成了一种联系,如果你个人感到悲伤,这是正常的。没有人能对无助和悲伤的感觉免疫,因此,通过反思或写日记来表达感受是有益的。护士应该参与的爱好像艺术疗法,音乐或冥想,“art-therapy-based监管有可能减少对生物保健工作者通过减少倦怠疲惫,培养情感意识,并促进舒适的思考和谈论死亡(钾肥,y Ho Chan小吕王&程,2014)。维持良好的支持系统,如家人或同伴,也可以帮助情绪应对。
澳大利亚护理assignment代写 Providing care
Providing care for patients and families at the end of life can be both rewarding and challenging. It is important for you to be aware of how grief affects you personally and to alleviate your stress. What are some interventions that can help you alleviate your stress from caring for patients at the end of life?Taking care of a dying patient can be challenging and often leads to burnout in caregivers including medical staff. Nurses spends most time with the terminally ill patients than any other healthcare worker and therefore it is crucial to consider self-care and promotion and recognizing own values and feeling about death. It is obvious that you form a bond with a patient when you work with them for so long and it is alright if you feel grief personally. No one is immune to feelings of helplessness and sorrow and therefore, expressing feeling by reflecting or journal writing can be beneficial. Nurses should get involved in hobbies like art therapy, music or meditation, “art-therapy-based supervision has the potential to reduce burnout for EOL care workers by decreasing exhaustion, fostering emotional awareness, and promoting comfort in thinking and talking about death (Potash, Y. Ho, Chan, Xiao Lu Wang & Cheng, 2014). Maintaining good support system like family or peers can also help with emotional coping.