
2017-06-14 23:32

在这个创新的教学情境是HETC。HETC是语言中心成立于15年前。HETC训练提高学生的外语。有许多关键HETC培训领域:商务英语、信息技术、市场营销。随着学习者不断增长的需求,尤其是越南加入WTO后,英语在越南的学校和大学,成为一个重要的课题。大多数教师在HETC有过短期合同(6个月- 1年)。教师在其他地方有不同的工作时,只兼职工作。在不同的地方,不同的工作环境下的教学,教师将有更多的社会互动的机会,交流教学经验,与其他同事里里外外都HETC。这有助于教师改进教学方法。即使教师在教不同班级HETC在不同的时间,15 - 20分钟之间两类打破时间给他们见面,要求别人在办公室讨论教学结合起来的好机会。通过电子邮件与管理员讨论新的想法,如果这些评论有用的话,它们将被列在季度会议的日历中。这当然引起了社会关系在学生的创新HETC传输和实现总是与所有的高激励工作(虽然他们总是要在大学或工作在办公室整天研究)但他们总是有一个强烈的动机来提高英语达到更高的程度和应用程序或在他们工作更好的位置。在HETC,总是鼓励学生在学习过程中表达自己的意见和愿望,通过调查在每个课程结束。
The teaching context in this innovation is HETC. HETC is a language center which was established 15 years ago. HETC has trained students to improve their foreign language. HETC has many key training areas are: Business English, Information Technology and Marketing. With the growing needs of the learners, especially after Vietnam joined the WTO, English became an important subject at schools and universities in Vietnam.Most teachers who are teaching in HETC have worked on the short-term contract (about 6 months - 1 year). The teachers only work part time when they have different jobs in other places. Teaching in various places and different working environment, teachers will have more social interaction and chances to exchange teaching experiences with other colleagues both insides and outsides HETC. These help teachers improve their teaching methods. Even teachers in HETC teach in different classes at different time, 15 - 20 minutes of breaking time between two classes gives them a good opportunity to meet and ask others at the staff room and discuss about teaching together. New ideas are discussed with the administrators through e-mail and will be put in the calendar of quarterly meetings if those are useful comments. This certainly raises the social relations in the transmission and implementations of the innovation.the students in the HETC always work with all the high motivation (though they always have to study at university or work in their offices all the day) but they always have a strong motivation to enhance the English better to achieve higher degrees and applications or better position in their jobs. In HETC, students are always encouraged to express their own opinions and desires in their learning process through the surveys at the end of each course.