
2017-05-26 01:07

迪林报告-高等教育在学习型社会:本报告设定了一个愿景,20年创建“一个致力于终身学习的社会。”(迪林报告1997)。这是一个承诺,不仅需要个人参与,而且还要求国家,雇主和教育机构在整个英国。该报告的主要目的是对未来的形状,规模和资金的建议,以满足英国的教育需求。它还建议,在扩大参与在他。甘乃迪报告学习工作:本报告由委员会扩大由Baroness Kennedy设立了一个激进的愿景,鼓励回归教育的成年人几乎没有任何学历主持参与。该报告包含了一些令人信服的证词的情况下,“学习是经济富裕和社会凝聚力的关键”(甘乃迪1997)。该报告还提出了对未来资金和扩大参与的建议。政府回应说他们致力于学习型社会,每个人都有成功的机会,他们希望增加访问建立学习报告(英国1998)。
Dearing Report - Higher Education in a Learning Society: This report set out a vision for 20 years of creating "a society committed to learning throughout life." (Dearing Report 1997). This was a commitment that would require not only individuals to engage with, but also the state, employers and providers of education throughout the UK. The main aims of the report were to make recommendations on the future shape, size and funding of HE in order to meet the UK's educational needs. It also made recommendations in to widening participation within HE.Kennedy Report - Learning Works: This report prepared by the Committee on Widening Participation chaired by Baroness Kennedy set out a radical vision to encourage a return to education adults who have few if any educational qualifications. The report contains some convincing testimony for the case that "learning is the key to economic affluence and social cohesion" (Kennedy 1997) . This report also makes recommendations on future funding and widening participation. The government responded to the report by stating they were committed to the establishment of a learning society in which all people have opportunities to succeed and that they were looking to increase access to learning (DfEE 1998).