
2018-01-20 23:51

根据对球踢性能的研究,通过测量球的最大和平均速度,使用运动雷达精确枪(SRA 3000),以及一组球击中目标的试验次数(5次)。其他的测量方法也采用了Qualysis Oqus 3D动作捕捉系统,它使用多个摄像机(一个8个摄像系统)来重建三维运动数据;这是在500赫兹的采样率下被捕获5秒。这使得人类运动分析在执行一项运动任务(instep kick)时可以通过使用反射标记,收集定量信息(Cappozzo et al, 2005)。校准解剖系统技术(CAST)标记集(Cappozzo等,1995),每个参与者都有44 retroflective标记(参见图7和8)。所有的标记和集群时使用捕获数据,目的是:“不显著修改性能被抓获并测量“如上所述的品牌和Crownshield(1981)。利用Croce et al(2005)的指导,以及根据Manal的分类,将这些标记放置在解剖标志物(近端和远端部分的内侧和侧端)上。
In accordance to the study of kick performance was evaluated by measuring the maximal and mean velocity of the ball, by the use of Sports radar precision gun (SRA 3000), and a set number of trials in which the ball hit the target (5 times). Other measurements from this maximal kick were also taken by means of Qualysis Oqus 3D motion capture system, this uses multiple cameras (an eight camera system) to reconstruct three dimensional movement data; this was captured at a sampling rate of 500 Hz for 5 seconds. This enabled human movement analysis during the execution of a motor task (instep kick) to be traced via the use of reflective markers, gathering quantitative information (Cappozzo et al, 2005). The calibrated anatomical system technique (CAST) marker set was used (Cappozzo et al, 1995), each participant was instrumented with 44 retroflective markers (see figure 7 and 8). All markers and clusters used when capturing the data was with the aim to: "not significantly modify the performance being captured and measured" as stated by Brand and Crownshield (1981). These markers were placed on anatomical landmarks (medial and lateral side of proximal and distal end of segements) by palpation using guidance from Croce et al (2005), and on segments using clusters in accordance with Manal .