
2018-02-16 15:57

批判性反思在个人和专业发展领域有着巨大的价值。持续专业发展是一个人在职业生涯中保持竞争优势的手段(资产阶级2011)。这应该伴随着个人的发展,包括提高一个人的技能,以增加自己的生活和职业生涯的价值。反思包括批判性地分析我们的知识和经验。反思实践是反思结果的实际应用。它要求个体识别应用于我们以前行动的思维模式,以及它们将如何影响我们的增长和发展(Guralnik 2009)。这两者之间的区别在于反思性练习的目的在于改进你工作的方式,而不是仅仅理解它,这就是反思的目的。反思和反思的目的是自我理解和提高。一个人反思他们的想法和随后在工作场所的行动,目的是改进他们(Welich 2007)。通过参与这个过程,一个人就能够理解他们自己的缺点,并通过运用新的策略来改进他们。
Critical reflection has great value in the areas of personal and professional development. Continuing professional development is a means by which one can maintain a competitive edge in their professional lives (Bourgeois 2011). This should be accompanied by personal development which will include the improvement of one's skill set in order to add value to one's own life as well as their professional life.Reflection involves analyzing our knowledge and experiences critically. Reflective practice is the practical application of the results of reflection. It entails the individual identifying the patterns of thought that have been applied to our previous actions and how they will affect our growth and development going forward (Guralnik 2009). The difference between the two lies in the aim of reflective practice to improve the manner in which you work rather than just understanding it, which is what reflection aims to do.The purpose of reflection and reflective practice is self-understanding and improvement. An individual reflects upon their thoughts and subsequent actions in the workplace with an aim to improve upon them (Welich 2007). By taking part in this process, an individual is then able to understand their own shortcomings and improve them by applying new strategies.