
2019-10-18 22:57

The blue line shows the annual measure of income by ABS while the other trends involve a weekly measure. The income definition varies in the different periods shown by the different lines. Our main focus is the grey line showing the trend in the last ten years. The chart shows a positive and a negative movement for the period 2003 to 2012. This is an indication that there has been a more equal distribution of overall income during the period shown in the graph. The graph, however suggests that the income inequality has risen compared to the previous periods. The graph is relatively higher that for the other from 1982 since the graph shows a maximum of 0.36 compared to the minimum of 0.87 in 1982. The graph also shows that income inequality rose to maximum during 2008 and 2009 falling later in 2011-2012.The trend in the above figure 2 is consistent with the trend shown in the figure 1. There is an increasing inequality between the highest income class and the bottom income class. The middle income ratio remains within the same range changing slightly. This suggests a possibility that the rising incomes may be due to rise in investment incomes which positively affect the wealthy investors to a greater extend, the middle, wealthy class to a lesser extent and the poor remain in the same position since they hold no capital investments.