悉尼law assignment代写:腐败和廉洁

2019-12-09 02:33

腐败和廉洁是两种相互矛盾的力量。在一个不重视诚信的社会里,腐败现象普遍存在。腐败得到合理控制的社会要求所有的技术制度组成部分,如法律、法规、程序、监督和执行、判决、奖励和惩罚到位。这一要求极为重要,人们对它给予了许多关注。公共和私人机构可能面临许多共同的腐败挑战。任何大型组织或国家,如果与不同类型的人、多个供应商和客户打交道,都必须确保政客和/或雇员不利用他们的职权索取贿赂。行为准则和促进诚信——以及有效的客户投诉、举报和财务跟踪系统——已成功地应用于这两个治理领域。缅甸和伊拉克被认为是世界上最腐败的国家。缅甸位于亚洲大陆东部,地理位置优越,自然和矿产资源丰富,具有巨大的经济潜力。数百名政府官员因腐败指控而被处决。自那时以来,这一问题一直高度政治化,限制了第三方处理这一问题的空间。然而,这仍然很紧迫:2004年11月,非政府组织透明国际(Transparency International)发布了年度腐败感知指数(corruption perception index),缅甸在受调查的5个最糟糕的国家中排名第142位(在145个国家中)。在伊拉克,腐败也很猖獗。据一名伊拉克高级官员估计,这名官员的腐败每年给伊拉克造成50亿到70亿美元的损失。伊拉克已经采取了引人注目的步骤:伊拉克各部委有一个运转良好的审计委员会和总检查人员,包括总理在内的高级领导人已将铲除腐败列为国家优先事项。但是太多的政治领导人仍然追求他们个人的、宗派的或党派的利益。目前仍没有高级官员因腐败指控而被送上法庭的例子.
悉尼law assignment代写:腐败和廉洁
Corruption and integrity are two forces contradicting with each other. Corruption are generally rampant on the society where integrity is not valued as it is to be.The society where corruption is reasonably controlled requires that all technical-institutional components like laws, regulations, procedures, surveillance and enforcement, judgment, reward and punishment be in place. This requirement is extremely important, and much attention has rightly been focused on it. Public and private institutions may have share many common corruption challenges. Any large-scale organization or a country that interacts with different kind of people, multiple suppliers and customers must ensure that politicians and / or employees do not take advantage of their entrusted powers and solicit bribes. Codes of conduct and promoting integrity – alongside effective customer complaint, whistle blowing and financial tracking systems – have been applied successfully in both areas of governance.Myanmar and Iraq are considered top most ranking corrupt nations in the world. Myanmar is located in the eastern part of the Asian continent, in a geographical area rich in natural and mineral resources, which provides significant economic potential. Hundreds of government officials were done on charges of corruption. Since then, this topic has remained highly politicized, limiting the room for third parties to address this issue. It does, however, remain pressing: in November 2004, the non-governmental organization Transparency International published its annual corruption perception index, with Myanmar ranking among the five worst countries surveyed (on 142nd place out of 145). In Iraq corruption is also rampant. Estimated confirms that the official corruption costs Iraq $5-7 billion per year as estimated by one senior Iraqi official. Notable steps have been taken: Iraq has a functioning audit board and inspectors general in the ministries, and senior leaders including the Prime Minister have identified rooting out corruption as a national priority. But too many political leaders still pursue their personal, sectarian, or party interests. There are still no examples of senior officials who have been brought before a court of law and convicted on corruption charges