
2020-01-06 08:20

在当今时代,足球已经成为美国人最喜爱的运动之一,然而,近年来,人们意识到这项运动有多危险,因为在比赛中会出现受伤的情况。如果这些伤害对成年球员造成了严重的伤害,那么就没有任何理由让孩子们充分地进行这项运动。这样做会对我们的社会产生很大的影响,对我们的年轻人产生负面影响。尽管青少年碰撞运动的普及程度有所提高,但脑震荡率和头部碰撞的数量也呈指数级增长。这是当今社会的一个主要问题,因为这可能会导致许多危险的医疗问题的年轻人玩这些运动。国家运动装备标准操作委员会在“指导改进足球头盔”(“重新调整足球头盔”)方面找到了解决办法。在这样做的过程中,夜警会对所有符合“夜警标准”(“重新调整足球头盔”)的足球头盔进行测试。然而,为保护运动员头部和颈部而设计的头盔仍然不能防止青少年脑震荡的增加。首先,儿童的头部和颈部仍然发育薄弱,更容易发生脑震荡。虽然他们的身体状况不能满足踢足球的需要,但头盔还是没用。此外,最近的研究表明,新的头盔并不保护大脑在硬头碰撞。这是因为在头部碰撞的情况下,大脑内部仍然会受到撞击的伤害。最后,头盔技术完全防止脑震荡仍然不存在,所以头盔不可靠。文章作者Chris Gorski解释说,在高中头盔测试进行的一项研究发现,“没有迹象表明现代头盔的品牌或年龄有关预防脑震荡”(面值5)。这种情况下然后部队玩家完全依赖于安全技术来解决,和证明头盔做很少或根本没有防止脑震荡。
In present times football has become one of America’s favorite sports among the country, however, during recent years it is being recognized how dangerous the game can be because of the injuries displayed in games. If many of these injuries cause serious harm to fully grown players, then there should not be any reason for allowing children to play this sport at its full capacity. Doing so could highly impact our society with negative effects in our youth. Although the popularity of youth collision sports has risen, the number of concussion rates and head collisions have increased exponentially as well. This is a major problem in today’s society because this can lead to many dangerous medical problems for the youth that play these sports. A solution was sought out by the National Operating Committee on Standards of Athletic Equipment when they “directed its first efforts by improving the football helmet” (“Reconditioning Football Helmets”). In doing so the NOCSAE would perform tests on all the football helmets that would meet the “NOCSAE standard” (“Reconditioning Football Helmets”). However, the helmets designed to protect the players’ head and neck area still could not prevent the rising numbers of rising youth concussions. First, is that children’s head and neck areas are still developing, weak, and are much more prone to concussions. While their physical statures do not meet the needs to play football, the helmet might as well be useless. Also, recent studies showed that the new helmets do not protect the brain in hard head collisions. This is because in a case with a head collision the brain would still be taking damage internally from the impact. Finally, helmet technology to fully prevent concussions are still non-existent so the helmets would not be as reliable. Article writer Chris Gorski explained that in a conducted study where high school helmets were tested found that ” No indication that the brand or age of modern helmets was related to protection against concussion” (Par 5). This case then forces the players to fully rely on safer techniques to tackle, and proves that helmets do very little or no protection against concussions.