
2017-02-04 15:03

雷曼兄弟这样的投资银行在借贷周期中扮演了关键角色。贷款人允许出售购房者债务的投资银行,所以银行贷款,总是,不关心借款人的质量。超额债务被创造。而且投资银行也不在乎质量,因为利率高的时候他们能赚更多的钱。这些次级贷款对利率很敏感,而雷曼兄弟则通过在次级抵押贷款上投资过多而使自己暴露在利率风险之下。 2003六月,次级贷款市场的利率低至1%。但从六月2004,美联储提高利率到5%以上,次贷借款人无法承受这种利率和拖欠贷款。


Investment banks, such as Lehman Brothers, played a key role in the cycle of borrowing and lending. The lenders are allowed to sell homebuyers debt to investment banks, so lenders, always banks, didn’t care about the quality of borrowers. Excessive debts were created. And the investment banks didn’t care about the quality either because they could make more money as the interest rate was high. These subprime loans are sensitive to the interest rate, and Lehman Brothers made itself expose to the interest rate risk by investing too much in the subprime loans.
In June 2003, the interest rate was low to 1% booming the subprime loan market. But from June 2004, the Federal Reserve raised the interest rate to more than 5%, subprime borrowers could not withstand this interest rate and defaulted the loans.