
2017-06-22 15:25

提供定期的家长与教师之间的会议。这些时间被书面报告与孩子送回家,因此父母和老师都有一个讨论的基础和对孩子的进步的共同理解。有时候,当然,要与家长和学校工作人员的决策意见分歧,或反之亦然,创造冲突的情况。在这种情况下,重要的是学校工作人员表现出良好的人际交往能力,适当地与他们的管理人员联系,并遵循学校的政策。与孩子的输入,听在冲突的情况往往是有帮助的,第一个工作人员和家长都在同一页上。这带来的另一个因素在质量早期教育:训练有素的员工。最近的一项调查显示,大多数早期的教师”会欣然承认,他们有很少的培训,如果有的话,家长工作”,让他们会增加这方面的培训效益(费拉拉和费拉拉2005, 77)。政府最近实施了一些与培训有关的改革,以改善工作人员培训和提供优质教学。英国有一个供应商的早期环境中工作培训计划。基础阶段被创造出来的理想的结果已经由早期学习目标所取代,和日常护理的规制已经转移到教育标准局(Ofsted 2000)。牛雄性生殖系干细胞有规律的在职培训员工关于各种学科。其中一些可能由学校的老师领导,其他的则聘请外部培训师。最近的一项培训侧重于评估,并提高工作人员评估儿童的进步和成就的能力。这种培训不仅是为了尽早确定学生的特殊教育需要,而且是为了跟踪和改进一般学生。学校明智地提供这种培训,帮助其工作人员更好地和更经常地利用现有资源。
 These times are precluded by a written report being sent home with the child, so both the parents and teacher have a basis for discussion and common understanding concerning the child's progress. Sometimes, of course, differences between the wants and opinions of parents and the decisions of school staff, or vice versa, create conflictual situations. In these situations it is important that school staff demonstrate good interpersonal skills, involve their administrators where appropriate, and follow school policy. As with input from the child, listening first in conflictual situations is often helpful so that staff and parents are on the same page.This brings up another factor in quality of early years education: well-trained staff. A recent survey of early years teachers revealed that most “will readily admit that they have had very little training, if any, working with parents” and feel they would benefit from increased training in this area (Ferrara and Ferrara 2005, 77). A number of changes related to training have been recently implemented by the government to improve both staff training and quality provision of instruction. DfEE’s has a training programme for providers working in early years settings. A foundation stage had been created and desirable outcomes have been replaced by early learning goals, and regulation of day care regulation has been transferred to Ofsted (Ofsted 2000). MGSC has regular in-service trainings for staff on a variety of subjects. Some of these may be led by a teacher from the school, others employ outside trainers. One recent training focused on assessment, and improving the staff's ability to assess children’s progress and attainment. This training was not only intended for early identification of special educational needs pupils, but for the tracking and improvement of pupils in general. The school wisely provides such training to help its staff make better and more regular use of available resources.