
2017-03-27 00:26

因此,在寻求有效地提醒查利,虽然这是逃避事实,新的医疗程序进行的每一天,因为公众期待不可能,从时间到时间相关的病例会出现疏忽,但是,在这种情况下,因为大多数新业务是设计和改进现有的程序是对于申请人和医疗从业者与过失概念的潜在困难。但它也意识到虽然重要,在过去,当地的伦理批准并不总是在一个新的手术对病人进行寻找,这是强制性的,通常是由一个健康信托特别要求因为卫生部认可的医学研究提高当前和未来的患者[ 42 ]有效的护理需要。因此,记住这一点,任何研究过程中可预见的风险应保持尽可能低,通常是由潜在的好处超过了。然而,虽然不是说有关在新的医疗实践的过失行为或疏忽法律原则是不比任何其他医疗案件不严谨,出现,查利必须知道的有两个特别的差异。首先,在这种情况下,有没有这样的东西作为“专家证人因为其他一些外科医生会有个人经验的新程序,其次,由于未采取措施防止风险,是不知道的,因此,不可预见的,不是疏忽,从一个建立违约在义务人同意的法律重点转移。但尽管证明过失是原告的举证责任,它广泛存在与其他医疗从业人员.
Consequently, in looking to effectively advise Charlie, whilst it is impossible to escape the fact that new medical procedures are carried out every day because the public expect no less, from time-to-time associated cases of negligence will arise but, in such cases, there are potential difficulties for both the claimant and medical practitioners in relation to the concept of negligence because most new operations are devised as an improvement on an existing procedure. But it is also important to appreciate that whilst, in the past, local ethical approval was not always sought before a new operation was carried out on a patient, this is now mandatory and is often specifically requested by a Health Trust because the Department of Health recognises the need for medical research to improve effective care for present and future patients[42]. Therefore, with this in mind, the foreseeable risks of any research procedure should be kept as low as possible and are usually outweighed by the potential benefits.However, whilst that is not to say the legal principles relating to negligent acts or omissions in the practice of new medical procedures are no less rigorous than any other medical case, two particular differences have arisen that Charlie must be made aware of. First, in this kind of case, there is no such thing as ‘expert witnesses’ because few other surgeons would have personal experience of the new procedure and, secondly, since failing to take steps to prevent a risk that is not known, and therefore, not foreseeable, is not negligent, the legal emphasis shifts from one of establishing a breach in duty to one of consent. But although the onus of proving negligence is on the claimant, it broadly lies with other medical practitioners, in keeping with the remit of the Bolam Test