
2017-04-29 00:19

This is basically the most common form of feedback. The feedback provides information awareness to students about their answers or statements correctness. The feedback forms a structuring reaction which provides a comparatively positive correlation with student learning achievement. Academic feedback is offered in different ways but the most convenient to many students is the written feedback on which many viewed it exceptionally effective and purposeful. A definite feedback on the student's errors draws the student's attentions to the inadequately learned materials which allow the student to concentrate on the studies. The feedback involves constructive comments from teachers and praises where efforts are revealed which greatly motivates the students. Socially related comments motivate the lowly graded students as students performance varies from student to another. This increases the student confidence, self esteem, interpersonal skills as well as the learning satisfaction.Academic feedback also incorporates the formative and summative in evaluating the students in individual as well as the class level. Formative assessments are an assessment that doesn't count on the final grade. Many students regard the formative assessment as an effective method of receiving feedback. This form of assessment is well understood by many students and they find it effective especially in assessing their individual learning capabilities (UK Centre for Legal Education, 2010). Summative assessment involves a series of assessments and assignments which always counts in the final grade and the student actively participates in the feedback provision as to avoid the repetition of mistakes. The student uses the first assignment as a feedback on which he/she thoroughly analyzes the comments made in the assignments which helps the student in improving their consequent coursework