卧龙岗代写Assignment 集体编程思想

2016-12-27 14:03

根据霍夫斯泰德(1991),文化可能被视为“集体编程思想的一组另一个“相区别。霍夫斯泰德使用术语“编程”由于文化价值观是不容易获得的,而这些价值是收购了一段时间,从一代传给一代。霍夫斯泰德在IBM发起他的研究作者进行了116000份问卷,包括32个问题和对结果的分析,作者发现,世界不同国家的文化可以分析四个因素的基础上(霍夫斯泰德,1991年)。五分之一的因素研究添加了随后当作者进行他的研究在中国连同另一个作者称为债券在1984年(乔治&琼斯,2005)。霍夫斯泰德五个因素民族文化理论被认为是使用最广泛的民族文化理论评估不同国家的民族文化基础上的五个因素,包括权力距离、个人主义/集体主义、男性化/女性化,不确定性规避和儒家活力(Hofsteds,2001)。霍夫斯泰德的研究被广泛使用,特别是随着全球化的时刻继续获得意义和组织,从事国际贸易的广泛利用的研究(Lascu,2002)。用于设计的研究不仅是跨文化培训外籍经理,但研究也广泛用于解决冲突,和工作组的理解动力学(乔治&琼斯,2005)。此外,这项研究是广泛用于设计管理系统时,组织参与探索在世界各地的业务活动。绩效管理系统和领导风格在这样组织因国家而异,一个基本的原因通常是国家文化的差异(Berry et al .,1993)。

卧龙岗代写Assignment  集体编程思想

According to Hofstede (1991), culture may be regarded as the "collective programming of the mind which distinguishes one group from another”. Hofstede use the term "programming" due to the fact that the cultural values are not easily acquired rather such values are acquired with an extended period of time and are passed on from generation to generation. Hofstede initiated his study in IBM where the author conducted 116,000 questionnaires, consisting 32 questions and upon the analysis of the results, the author found that the culture of different countries of the world could be analyzed on the basis of four factors (Hofstede, 1991). A fifth factor to the study has been added subsequently when the author conducted his study in China along with another author known as Bond in 1984 (George & Jones, 2005).    Hofstede five factors national culture theory which is regarded as the most widely used theory of national culture evaluate the national culture of different countries on the basis of five factors that include power distance, individualism/collectivism, masculinity/femininity, uncertainty avoidance and Confucian dynamism (Hofsteds, 2001). The research conducted by Hofstede is widely used, particularly as the globalization moment is continue to gain significance and organization that are engaged in international trade extensively utilized the research (Lascu, 2002). The research study is not only used for designing cross-cultural trainings for expatriate managers, but the study is also extensively utilized for conflict resolution, and the understanding of the workgroup dynamics (George & Jones, 2005). In addition, the research is extensively utilized for designing the management system when the organization is involved in exploring business activities in different parts of the world. The performance management system and the leadership style in such organization vary from country to country and a basic reason behind this is usually the differences in the national culture (Berry et al., 1993).