
2017-08-14 10:11

此外,贫穷成为对女性教育的巨大制约。父母承受的最直接的教育费用,如学费、书籍和衣服。由于有多子女和低工资,许多发展中国家的家庭无力负担他们所有的孩子,因此他们必须有选择。更昂贵的教育是不太可能的家庭投资教育的女孩。”(unterhalter 2005:20)为低收入家庭多生孩子,女孩的孩子被退学,先当教育成本是昂贵的两倍。(同上)哪些家庭没有意识到的是,通过教育他们的女儿,长期的经济效益更大,可以缓解贫困和促进收入更为她们的家庭、社区和国家。然而,教育的直接成本,还成为女生education.developing国家巨大威慑有认识和把握的概念,女童教育是在国家的最佳利益,但是其他很多内部问题,政府发现拨款的教育系统非常困难。因此,较贫穷国家的经验更少的招生学校,辍学率高。例如,“在孟加拉,贝宁,布基纳法索,科特迪瓦,印度,马里,摩洛哥,尼日尔,和塞内加尔,超过一半的儿童从收入分配底部40%没有注册。在其他地区,特别是在拉丁美洲,入学率可能几乎是普遍的,但高重复率和辍学率导致低完成率。“证明贫困学生和贫困学生在美国完成学业的可能性较小。”。这就是像“我是女孩”这样的项目和组织,计划加拿大介入,提供援助,帮助那些正在受苦的国家和人民。
Furthermore, poverty becomes a huge constraint to the education of females. Parents withstand the worst of the direct costs to education such as school fees, books and clothing. With multiple children and low-income wages, many families in developing countries cannot afford to send all their children to and so they must be selective. "The more expensive education is, the less likely families are to invest in education for girls." (Unterhalter 2005: 20) For low-income families with multiple children, the girl children are twice as likely to be withdrawn from school first when the cost of education is to expensive. (Ibid) What families fail to realize is that by educating their female children, the long-term economic benefits are far greater and can actually alleviate poverty and stimulate greater income into the women's families, communities and countries. However, the direct costs of education still become a huge deterrent to girls' education.developing countries have realized and grasped the notion that educating girls' is in the countries best interest, however with so many other internal problems and issues, governments are finding it extremely difficult to allocate funds to the education system. Therefore, poorer countries experience fewer enrollments into school and a higher drop out rate. For example, "In Bangladesh, Benin, Burkina Faso, Ivory Coast, India, Mali, Morocco, Niger, and Senegal, more than half of children from the bottom 40 percent of the income distribution never even enroll. Elsewhere, particularly in Latin America, enrollment may be almost universal, but high repetition and dropout rates lead to low completion rates." Proving that, poor students and those students living in poverty are less likely to complete school. This is where programs and organizations like "Because I am a girl," and Plan Canada step in, provide aid, and help those countries and people that are suffering.