
2017-01-02 23:52

模型本质上都有巨大的影响对组织的行为。当经理操作的环境中,不同的宏观环境因素发生了较小的变化和经理没有压力的时候,他或她可能依赖于理性决策模型(Alvesson &威尔默特,2003)。然而,如果经理是交易频繁的环境中,不同的因素发生了相当大的变化,反过来让经理一个较小的时间决策,决策者可能依赖于决策的有限理性模型。有限理性模型可称为认知风格的决策依赖于直觉和经验决定的组织是基于经验的经理(Francessco &黄金,2005)。组织行为决策模型提出的古典管理理论和管理的有限理性模型有重要意义。理性模型假定管理在一个给定的情况下都知道所有的选择,他们可以计算不同策略的具体结果进而发生巨大的负担成员组织的决定,因为他或她将永远从事的行为将导致公司的盈利能力的最大化,然而有限理性模型假设情况并非如此,因为有不同的障碍,进而影响组织内的决策的质量(杰克逊&卡特,2007)。这是因为人类是参与决策实质上有不同的缺点,妨碍他们成为完美的理由(乔治&琼斯,2005)


Essentially both the model have huge implication for the organizational behavior. When the manager is operating in an environment where the different macro environmental factors experienced lesser changes and the manager has no pressures in terms of time, he or she may rely on the rational decision making model (Alvesson & Willmott, 2003). However, if the manager is transacting in an environment where different factors experienced considerable changes frequently that in turn allow a manager a lesser time for the decision making, the decision maker may rely on the bounded rationality model of decision making. The bounded rationality model which could be termed as cognitive style of decision making rely on the intuition and experience as the decision made in the organization are based on the experience of the manager (Francessco & Gold, 2005).
For organizational behavior the decision making models presented by classical management theorists and the bounded rationality model has important implications for management. The rationality model assumes that management within a given situations are aware of all of the alternatives and they could compute the exact outcome of different strategies which in turn place huge burden on the members of the organization making the decision because he or she will always engaged in actions that will results in the maximization of the firm's profitability, however the bounded rationality model assume that this is not the case, as there are different obstacles that in turn affect the quality of decision making within the organization (Jackson & Carter, 2007). This is because human beings are involved in the decision making who essentially have different shortcomings that essentially impede them to emerge as perfectly rationale (George & Jones, 2005)