阿德莱德代写作业 教育权法案

2020-10-07 00:26

有证据表明,当老师不来上课时,整个社会也会受到影响。由于印度低收入邦的教师缺勤率普遍较高,当人均收入增加一倍时,预测的缺勤率下降了4.7个百分点(Chaudhury等人,2006年),因此存在整体的公平性损失。这让来自贫困家庭的学生处于不利地位,对他们中的许多人来说,学校是促进经济和社会进步的少数现有选择之一(Patrinos, 2013)。在印度农村,小型小学有时只有一名教师,所以如果老师不在,学校就会完全关闭。在将近12%的未统计访问中,调查员们在印度遇到了因为没有老师在场而关闭的学校(Chaudhury et al., 2006)。如果这种情况经常发生,学生和家庭可能会变得气馁,增加学生缺勤和加重教师缺勤的成本(Rogers & Vegas, 2009)。正如前面提到的,由于教育质量是推动经济增长的关键因素,因此,学生成绩差导致的人力资本损失对社会具有重要的宏观意义。下一个相关的利益相关者是政府本身。在印度,教师缺勤对教育部门的财政产生了可怕的后果。教师工资通常占非资本教育支出的80%以上(Dongre et al., 2014),也是印度最近通过的《教育权法案》中最昂贵的部分(Muralidharan et al., 2017)。因此,教师缺勤率的直接损失来自天的工作,老师没有出席,但政府继续支付,在印度是一个惊人的20亿美元,或0.3%的GDP .Teacher旷工是一个持续的问题,发生在许多国家除了印度,和文献指出缺乏问责制和绩效激励教师这一普遍问题的主要因素,也就是说,教师往往不为他们在课堂上的表现负责。我将解释这四种类型的证据进一步扩大:高级教师经常发现没有比低排名老师,老师没有发现高在偏远地区和受教育程度较低的社区,有一个显著的差异在政府和私立学校之间教师出席率,以及几乎没有激励好老师在学校的表现。
阿德莱德代写作业 教育权法案
 There is evidence to show that society as whole tends to suffer as well, when its teachers do not show up to class to teach. There is an overall loss in equity, as absence rates of teachers were found to be generally higher in low-income states in India, with a 4.7 percentage point reduction in predicted absence rates when per capita income was doubled (Chaudhury et al., 2006). This disadvantages students from poorer backgrounds, for many of whom school is one out a few existing alternatives for economic and social advancement (Patrinos, 2013). In rural India, small primary schools are sometimes staffed by a single teacher, so when the teacher is absent, the school closes entirely. In nearly 12 percent of the unaccounted visits, surveyors in India encountered schools which were closed because no teacher was present (Chaudhury et al., 2006). If this happens often enough, students and families may become discouraged, increasing student absenteeism and compounding the costs of teacher absence (Rogers & Vegas, 2009). It can also be argued the resulting loss of human capital from poor student outcomes, as mentioned earlier, has important macro-level implications for society, since education quality is the key ingredient to boost economic growth .The next relevant stakeholder is the government itself. Teacher absenteeism in India has dire consequences on the finances of the education sector. Teacher salaries typically account for over 80 percent of non-capital education spending (Dongre et al., 2014), and are now the most expensive component of the recently passed Right to Education Act in India (Muralidharan et al., 2017). Consequently, the direct losses from teacher absenteeism coming from days of work that the teacher did not attend, but the government continued to pay for, was a staggering $2 billion a year in India, or 0.3 percent of its GDP .Teacher absenteeism is an ongoing problem that occurs in many countries apart from India, and the literature points to a lack of accountability and few performance incentives for teachers as the main drivers of this pervasive problem, i.e. teachers tend not to be held accountable for their performance in the classroom. I will explain this further by expanding on four types of evidence: higher-ranking teachers are found to be absent more often than lower ranking teachers, teacher absence is found to be higher in remote areas and in less educated communities, there is a significant difference in teacher attendance rates between government and private schools, as well as little to no incentives for good teacher performance in schools.