
2017-02-25 01:29

Pasanen(2011)进行了研究确定在143中小战略管理工具的满意度水平使用芬兰的中小型企业。15战略管理工具和技术在101个服务管理和42个生产管理。因此,与中小企业相比,战略管理工具在中小企业的使用程度和满意度差异较大。此外,在生产和服务部门和战略管理工具的中小型企业中使用的战略管理工具的使用和满意度水平之间的一个显着的分辨率。 fowzia(2010),对确定战略管理会计方法的使用水平,生产管理在孟加拉的一项研究。因此,强调战略管理会计技术的接受水平在生产管理中并不令人满意,在绩效发展过程中出现了一些突出的工具。 杰克(2009)对农业和农业行业战略管理会计工具的应用进行了实地调研。在研究中所使用的工具有标杆评价、平衡计分卡、供应链管理、波特竞争分析和。其结果是,可以看出,最常见的和最有价值的战略管理工具的管理者被确定为客户关系管理,最常见的戈登技术和较少的价值作为搜索会议。在这项研究中,它被确定的战略管理工具的知识水平越高,管理者给予这些工具越重要


Pasanen (2011) conducts a research to determine the usage and satisfaction levels of strategic management tools in 143 small and medium sized enterprises in Finland. 15 strategic management tools and techniques are tested in 101 service managements and 42 production managements. As a result, the usage and satisfaction levels of strategic management tools in small and medium sized enterprises make a difference when compared to large managements. Besides, a significant resolution is observed between the usage and satisfaction levels of strategic management tools in small and medium sized enterprises in production and service sectors and strategic management tools.

Fowzia (2010), conducted a study on determining the usage levels of strategic management accounting techniques in production managements in Bangladesh. As a result, it is emphasized that the acceptance levels of strategic management accounting techniques are not satisfactory in production managements and several tools come into the prominence during performance development process.

Jack (2009), conducts a field research on the usage of strategic management accounting tools in agriculture and agricultural industry. Such evaluations on the usage of tools as benchmarking, balanced scorecard, supply chain management, Porter’s competition analysis and target cost management, are involved in the research, conducted in England, United States, Australia and New Zealand. As a result, it is seen that the most common and most-valued strategic management tool by the managers is determined as customer relationship management, the least common as gordon technique and the less valued as search conference. In this study, it was determined that the higher the level of knowledge for strategic management tools, the more importance the managers give these tools