
2018-10-07 00:10

Thoreau was also a forerunner of the environmental movement and his book, Walden, about man’s fundamental connection to nature, raised a new consciousness about nature’s role in our spiritual and social lives. He championed the idea of public parks and nature reserves as important links to spirituality and lamented the destruction of the forests as the destruction of our earthly paradise when he declared, “Heaven is under our feet as well as over our heads.”Ultimately, over the years, Walden has sold hundreds of thousands of copies. The writings became an extremely popular book, informing audiences of the philosophy of transcendentalism. Thoreau’s novel deeply impacted such times like the Great Depression Era, when learning to live simplistically proved to be essential, and the 1960’s, which, of course, was the decade of individuality (Blanch).Transcendentalists were, for a lack of a better word, the first form of “hippies.” They stressed the importance of environmental importance, equality, individuality, and spirituality (Gura). Their ideals have greatly impacted the United States society in many forms, including gender and racial reform, environmental protection, economical viewpoints, and education. Although their movement would, by no means, be considered the most direct and known historical force in the progression of American society, their underlying beliefs are nearly identical and parallel to the lifestyle that is evident today. The spiritual and individualistic ideology shaped the modern culture that is displayed today.