澳洲莫纳什代写作业 公私立学校

2020-10-21 10:51

私立学校与公立学校之间的争论已经持续多年。许多父母很难在两者之间做出选择。本研究探讨私立学校与公立学校的异同。尽管每个部门都有许多差异,但本文只包括造成公立学校和私立学校差异的五个基本因素。本研究报告包括经费、教师薪酬、班级规模、测试和每个部门的学生之间的差异。本文审查了由国家教育统计中心所做的各种文章和研究。在为孩子选择合适的学校时,了解每个部门的不同是很重要的。私立学校和公立学校是两个最常见的学术部门。大约有5100万学生在美国公立学校上幼儿园到高中,还有大约600万学生被私立学校录取(NCES,2015)。尽管只有大约600万学生就读于私立学校,但低收入家庭的家长认为私立学校比公立学校提供更好的教育。大约有71%的美国人认为私立学校在教育孩子方面做得更好,因为私立学校从幼儿园到高中都接受了最好的教育。(Saad, 2017)。家长们认为私立学校给学生提供了最好的教育。这主要是因为他们如何看待学校。他们看到了街区那摇摇欲坠的公立学校,又看到了郊区那些镀金的私立学校,于是他们倾向于这样想象,并认为私立学校更好。要真正理解哪个学校更好,我们必须看看两者之间的差异以及它们的共同点。
澳洲莫纳什代写作业 公私立学校
 Private versus Public schools has been a long debate for years. Many parents have a hard time choosing between the two. This research explores the differences and similarities between Private and Public schools. Although, there are many variations within each sector this paper includes only the five basic factors that contribute to the differences between public and private schools. This research paper includes the differences between funding, teacher pay, class size, testing, and students within each sector. This paper examines a variety of articles and research done by the National Statistics Center for Education. It’s important to know how each sector differs when choosing the right schools for children.Private schools and Public schools are the two most common academic sectors. There are about fifty-one million students attending the United States public schools in kindergarten through senior year, and about another six million students are admitted in private schools (NCES,2015). Although, only about 6 million students are enrolled in private sectors low-income parents believe that private sectors offer a better education than public schools. There are about 71% of Americans that believe private schools are better at educating children with the best education from kindergarten through senior year. (Saad, 2017). Parents have the perceived idea that private schools provide students with the best education. This is mainly because of how they view the schools. They view the crumbling neighborhood public schools down the block and then look at the gilded private schools in suburban areas and there’s a proneness to imagine both like this and to assume that private schools are better. To truly understand which school is better we must look at the differences amongst the two as well as what they have in common.
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