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Research Paper 代写:健康名称和产品
2017-01-26 15:40
为了检验对节食和nondieters食品产品名称的影响,本文研究了四个研究来达到他们的目的。虽然针对不同的研究目标进行的四项研究中,所使用的方法实际上是相似的。 通过对研究中四项研究方法的总结,可以看出研究者使用了来自参与者的信息,然后分析了信息模型来进行研究。在研究1中,研究人员随机挑选了七十六个人来检查他们对健康和不健康食品的偏好和看法。在收集有关参与者选择的完整信息后,研究人员分析这些信息并得到结果。面对他们的研究结果,研究人员从不同的角度讨论和研究他们。最后,他们可以实现和总结他们的研究结果,他们进行。即使其他三研究的节食者和nondieters感知食品产品名称不同的问题,他们采取的方法是类似的研究1。 IResearch Paper 代写:健康名称和产品
n order to examine the influence of food product name on dieters and nondieters, researchers in the article took four studies to achieve their objectives. Although the four studies conducted for different research objectives, the methods used are actually similar.
Summarizing the methods of the four studies in the research, it can be seen that the researchers used a collecting-information-from-participants-then-analyzing-the –information model to conduct their studies. In the study 1, researchers randomly pick seventy-six individuals to examine their preferences and perceptions towards healthy and unhealthy food items. After collecting full information about participants’ choices, researchers analyze the information and they get the results. Facing the results of their study, researchers discuss and examine them from different angles. Finally they can achieve and summarize their findings of the study they conducted. Even though the other three studies focus on different problems of dieters’ and nondieters’ perceptions of food product name, the methods they took are similar to the study 1.
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